Shadow Babysitting Chase

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One night Shadow and his siblings were watching tv in the basement.

Then they heard a doorbell.

"Snowdrop can you get the door." said Shardyn.

"Sure." said Snowdrop.

She opened the door there was Annie the hedgehog with her baby.

"Who are you?" Snowdrop asked.

"I'm Annie the hedgehog Shadow's cousin."

"Nice to meet you and who is that cute little baby."

"That's Chase."

"So what brings you here?"

"I have to go a concert with my boyfriend so will you watch him."

"Sure that will be no problem I have two kids of my own."

"Great all the things are in the bag."

"Well Chase mommy is leaving now and you have fun."

"See you later."

After Annie left she picked the infant car seat and placed it in the living room.

Snowdrop took the baby out and placed it on the floor.

Snowdow and Shady showed up.

"Hey mom what are you doing?" Shady asked.

"I'm babysitting Chase."

"Aw he's so cute."

Chase smiled and he cooed.

They played with him.

Snowdrop came into the basement and turn off the tv right in front of them.

"Hey we are watching Family Feud!" they all yelled.

"We have a job to do that means you will be babysitting Chase."

"Right." said Shadow.

They all came up the stairs and saw him in the living room.

Shady took the stuff animal out of the bag it was teddy bear which was his favorite toy.

He was hugging it.

Then suddenly they smelled something very bad.

"Ugh what is that smell?" asked Weylyn.

"That came from the baby." said Pandora.

"Did someone make a stinky." Shadow said to Chase.

Chase started to cry.

"Don't worry I will make you feel better."

Shadow picked him up and took him to the bathroom.

He placed him on the changing mat.

Shadow took off the dirty diaper putting baby powder on him wiping his butt and put a fresh diaper on him.

"There all clean."

Shadow carried Chase back to the living room.

They were having fun with him they played peek a boo with him.

Chase took his first steps which was amazing.

Shades made him laugh by making funny faces.

Chase yawned he was getting tired.

"Aww you are tired little." Cresent asked him.

Chase nodded.

Shadow got the baby bottle of warm milk.

"This will help him fall asleep."

Pandora on a lullaby music from YouTube on her phone.

Shadow put the bottle in his mouth.

After the song Chase had fallen asleep.

Shadow carefully placed him in the infant car seat.

Shadow put a baby blanket on him.

"We did guys." Shadow whispered.

Annie came to pick her son up.

"How was the concert?" Snowdrop asked.

"It was great I had a good time."

"How was Chase?"

"He had fun."

"That's great well have a good night."

"You too."

They all waved goodbye and Annie and Chase left the house and drove back home.

"Well good day so far."

Everyone got ready for bed.

The babysitting did tired them out.

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