It's not concerning

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[Aurora Rothschild]

Neither of them came back home last night. It's not concerning because Russo doesn't call me unless he's horny and Clark isn't into me lately. He hasn't slept many nights here the past month and he always comes back with fresh clothes on but there isn't anything missing on his side of the closet; he either has outfits I know nothing about in each of his lovers flats or Russo is aiding him. The clothes fit him perfectly which means they aren't borrowed from Russo either.

The way I found out he was cheating on me wasn't pleasant, I mean those things are never pleasant unless you're eager to have a valid reason beyond your feelings to get out of the relationship. He asked me to bring him some papers from his briefcase and there was a Victoria's Secret thong—a brand I don't like, haven't for many years now—so it was obviously not mine. I never asked him anything about it, just ignored it and gave him a blowjob while he graded the stupid papers. That was seven months ago and last night I found out that Clark is meeting the families. The three girls he's fucking in his office and classroom know of my existence, because I've been there many times to bring him lunch or listen to his lectures, which are terribly boring.

Aurora: Where are you, Clark? I'm worried.
Clark: I stayed at Russo's. We are spending the day together.
Aurora: Are you coming for lunch?
Clark: No, I'll be home late so don't wait up.
Aurora: I think we should talk about last night, Clark, this can't keep happening.
Clark: I've told you how I feel about that perverse kink you are into and if you need to sort this out it's with a psychiatrist not with me. You are the one with the problem, not me.

I wanted to reply, I wanted to tell him everything but it's stupid to fight like cats and dogs via text message. I don't look for conflict and always try to avoid it, at least in the form of fights because having a semi-sexual relationship with Russo is a conflict just not one that requires me to fight.

A deep sigh left my mouth as I tapped my best friend's number on my contact list and, luckily, she picked up after the second beep "Hi sweetheart," she said in her heartwarming Louisiana accent.

"Hi Esther," I said. "Are you busy?"

"No, I'm going through some permits for the new winery in France," she informed. "Every day paperwork, you?"

"It's 7 am in New York," I said, glancing at my wristwatch. "You don't go in until 9:30."

"I'm in DC, my mom has an appointment with the oncologist today so I worked all night long to be with her the whole day," she told. "She's scared Beth will still be there," Esther's mother named her brain tumor after the woman her husband left her for.

"She's obviously not there, aunt Nadine has followed the treatment thoroughly and you told me the Doctors were optimistic. You can't dive into negativity, Esther, it doesn't do you any good," I scolded.

"It's better than having my hopes shattered," she replied. "Let's change the subject, how are you?"

A deep sigh left my mouth as I sat on the kitchen counter "Clark is out with Russo and I have nothing to do. I don't want to cook lunch or anything."

"Of course you don't, being a housewife has never been your strong suit," she said, making me chuckle. "Why don't you go to the British Museum, you loved it when we went there and also when we watched Night in the Museum 3," the woman commented. "Have a day to yourself, you always sit around that flat waiting for Clark to get there which is stupid to say the least."

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