Green post-it

498 22 4

[Rhett Carter]

"I'm so sorry, Rhett," she apologised for the ninth time. We're in her bathroom with her knelt in front of the toilet.

I shook my head "It's all right, Aurora," my words are true; it's not as if she did it on purpose and it's not like this situation–vomiting due to irresponsibly mixing drinks–is one strange to me. There's still vomit on my shoes but it seems like she hasn't eaten anything today because the fluid is all bile.

Aurora shook her head as she looked at me over her shoulder with tears in her eyes "I ruined the party for everyone and now I ruined your shoes; I'll get you a new pair, I promise."

"Don't torment yourself, this happens to everyone; I'm used to messy thanks to my job," my comment made her smile.

It seemed as if she had finally finished since she sat down with her back against the wall, before grabbing a remote above her head and flushing the toilet with it "Do you prefer Louboutin or Saint Laurent?" This woman is offering to buy me a pair of shoes with a four digit price.

"You mustn't, Aurora," I told, getting up to damp the corner of a towel for her.

"Thank you," she took it to clean her lips. "If you won't let me buy you a new pair of shoes then at least let me buy you something for late dinner, maybe some takeaway; there's a great sushi place three streets away."

A smile curved my lips; she's kind and bewitching "All right but only because I haven't eaten sushi in far too long," before getting up, I slipped off my boots and socks.

"Leave it there," from the corner of my eye I could see her getting up. "I'll have them cleaned properly and sent to you," Aurora stood in front of the other sink and rinsed her mouth. "You can have a pair of Clark's shoes," on the way out of the bathroom she took my hand to lead me to the walk-in closet beside her bed.

 "You can have a pair of Clark's shoes," on the way out of the bathroom she took my hand to lead me to the walk-in closet beside her bed

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