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[Aurora Rothschild]
[A month later]

"You're too obvious," Hassan stated as we sat in the car outside Rhett's workplace — we are going to my house in Somerset for the weekend.

My right eyebrow arched. "About?"

"About how you're madly in love with him," he replied.

I cleared my throat, straightening in my seat. "We are just going to spend the weekend together."

"You haven't taken anyone there," he said. "It's always been you alone in that house."

A deep sigh left my mouth "I trust him and hadn't felt this way for anyone since Seb."

"Speaking of the devil," he looked at me through the rear view, "Sebastian is in London, and he wants to see you."

My right eyebrow arched. "Did he say why?" It's not that Sebastian and I ended on bad terms, but we haven't spoken in a long time.

"He said," Hassan looked at me over his shoulder, "that he misses you and wants to see you. Should I ask Marie to schedule the meeting for Tuesday?" Marie is my PA, but she primarily communicates with Hassan since they have to coordinate my meetings and travels; I don't want to play matchmaker, but they look cute when they're together.

I nodded. "Yes, please."

"Of course," Hassan softly smiled. "Oh," he said as he looked forward, "here comes your boyfriend."

"Shut up, Hassan," I complained before hopping off the car with a big smile.

Rhett grinned when we met eyes, and he rushed to me. "Hi darling," he leaned down to peck my lips. "I missed you terribly."

"You did?" My fingers tickled the back of his neck.

He nodded. "Even if I've woken up with you by my side for a week, I still miss you when you're not around," Rhett leaned down to kiss me "let's get the bloody hell out of here, shall we?"

"Yeah, let's," I giggled.

Once in the car, my boyfriend turned off his phone and let out a relief sigh, "I'm all yours this weekend."

"Is Emma still all over you?" I asked, placing my bag between us.

Rhett gazed my way with a grin. "She has been, but you know I only have eyes for you."

"I do, but if she's still insisting after telling her you're unavailable, maybe we should do something about it," I commented. "We could have a dinner to announce our relationship—"

"Darling," he stopped me, "you mustn't feel insecure about my faithfulness towards you," Rhett frowned. "I know your past relationships have all ended due to cheating, but that's not going to happen, not with us, I promise."

A deep sigh left my mouth as I looked down at my hands. "I'm's just that I feel strongly about you, Rhett, and you work with Emma, so you see her half of the day, and I—" I stopped to take a deep breath, "I'm just scared, and I know it's stupid but—"

"It's not stupid, Aurora," he assured. "I feel strongly about you as well; believe me when I say that the only thing Emma and I share is the workspace."

Aurora [18+]Where stories live. Discover now