Remember Me

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Trigger ⚠️ mention of suicide if you ever need help please reach out to someone. I'm always a message away if you need to talk.

Hero's pov

Damn rain it's always raining lately in New York and I am drenched right now as I run to the subway trying to get to my sister's school before I'm late. As I run down the stairs I nearly collide with a blonde haired girl that I've seen in one of my classes before. "Ass" she yells at me the same time I yell out "sorry I'm late." I finally get on the subway and breathe as I stand near an older gentleman reading the newspaper while I hold on to the rail. He would be 28 today my big brother Titan. I put my head in my hand as I think of him trying to hold back my anger and tears. Why did he kill himself? He was only 22 years old the same age I will be turning in just a few weeks. I get off the subway and run to Mercy's school where I see her waiting for me by her bicycle. "Your late" she says her hands on her hips glaring up at me with tears in her green eyes. "I'm sorry bug you know I was coming though yeah" I say tousling her hair as I start to unlock her bike. "Ready for today" she asks me while we make our way through the busy streets of New York. "Not really" I shrug smirking at her. "Hero dad will be there right?" she looks up at me with her eleven year old eyes looking much older than she is. "He better fucking be" I say irritably lighting up a cigarette. "Hero" she scolds me making me chuckle as she rolls her eyes at me waving her hand in her face. We get to the cafe and I lock her bicycle up and then grab her little hand and walk inside with her smiling up at me. I see my mom, and step father already sitting down as we make our way over to them. "Where is he? No let me guess business is more important" I say sarcastically chuckling. "Actually I'm right here I was waiting for my children to arrive" I hear from behind me. "Daddy" Mercy yells in excitement grabbing him in for a hug. "Ok Mercy" he says patting her head. She pulls away and looks to the ground sadly as she slides back in her seat. I want to punch the shit out my father but I can't do that. We all eat as Mercy tells us about her art show coming up I notice my father is not even looking at her and I almost lose my shit but manage to hold it together when Mercy places her hand over mines looking at me worriedly. We have cake for Titan and Mercy blows out his candles and after we get in the cars my father ordered and all go to his grave site. He was born and died on the same day May, 20, 1995. "I got to go Mercy I love you" I say giving her a hug and kiss on her cheek. "I love you Hero be safe and say hi to Felix for me" she says sounding much older than she needs too be. "Lighten up kid" I say tousling her hair making her giggle. "Bye mum, Leo" I say giving my mum a hug and then shaking my step father's hand. "Dad" I say nodding at him "good bye son" he says not even looking up from his phone. I take one last glance at Mercy and give her a smile as I get in the taxi. The taxi driver weaves through the traffic as I grab my flip phone and open it up calling Felix. "Hey man want to party tonight" he says as soon as he answers the phone. "No I'm good I'm almost home" I say to him irritably. "No fuck no Hero it's been weeks since you've even smiled and I'm not dealing with it anymore" he yells through the phone. "So going to some shitty bar is going to make me smile" I say chuckling at him. "Seriously man I'm about to do an intervention. Don't make me call Mercy" he says sternly through the phone. "Bro you realize an intervention doesn't involve binge drinking right" I say as the Taxi driver shouts at the car in front of him. "One drink come on man your killing me it's been months since I made some money off of you" he says chuckling. "What?" I ask confused as to when he made some money off of me. "Bro I made $3 for $1 toothbrush from that chick" he says laughing through the phone. The Taxi pulls up to my apartment and I throw him the money as I hop out hanging up on Felix. Seriously he's bragging about making $2 whole dollars. I shake my head laughing as I run upstairs and open the door to our apartment. "Rude you hung up on me" Felix says throwing an apple at me which I easily catch. "Could you sound anymore like a girl" I say chuckling as I take a bite out of the apple. "Speaking of girls" he says grinning at me. "No I'm not dealing with that tonight" I groan out frustratedly. "Fine let's go" he says making me laugh as I check myself out in the mirror. I look fine in my white shirt and black jeans with my white nike shoes on. "Could you be anymore of a girl" Felix says laughing at me as he catches me looking in the mirror. "Fuck off" I say laughing as I playfully punch him in the arm. We get to the bar and it's packed with people as we make our way to the bar. After a few shots and beers later a couple of girls with short shorts and cowboy hats on come up to us. "Hey cowgirls" Felix says smiling at them. "Hey you guys want to come back and party with us at our hotel" the blonde one says looking at me and smiling while the brunette swirls her hair around her fingers. Fuck it has been months since I've gotten off properly and she's not ugly. But I'm not going through this again I'm tired of the endless faces. I want a girlfriend an actual woman who exists out there that I can stand to be around for more than a week. If she even exists I can tell from looking at this girl though it isn't her. Felix is smiling and laughing as he says "of course me and Hero would love to come back with you gorgeous ladies I'm Felix." He extends his hand out to the brunette who takes it smiling as she says "I'm Mandi with an I and this is Mandy with a y" introducing her friend. I roll my eyes as I take my shot chuckling to myself. Mandy with a y slides her arm across my back as Felix smiles grabbing Mandi with an I and kisses her hard. "I don't mind the silent type" Mandy says into my ear. "Good because I don't plan on talking" I say sincerely. We spend another hour in the bar until it closes as we drink shot after shot while Mandy continued to grind her ass into my groin. Felix has his arm around Mandi as we walk out the bar following behind a few guys. "Where you girls from again?" Felix asks them as they answer him saying "Miami" in unison. "That's cute" he says chuckling as he continues yelling "Nothing beats New York City though" as he holds his hands in the air making me laugh as someone yells "shut the fuck up." I look up and see the guys who were walking in front of us almost getting hit by a car as the guy yells kicking the car as it passes. All of a sudden the car stops and four Irish men get out there accents thick as they start to yell at the guy for kicking the car and start to hit the other three guys. Fucking cowards their outnumbered. Well we could make it even. Before I can even think about it I'm grabbing one of the Irish guys off the other man and start to punch him over and over again each time I picture my father's face. "Hero what the fuck man stop" Felix yells trying to pull me off of the guy. One of the Irish guys grabs Mandy and pushes her to the ground. Now they hit girls. I jump up grabbing him as I punch him grabbing his body and slamming it to the ground. I hear sirens as three cop cars pull in to the alleyway jumping out their cars. "Hands in the air now" one of the cops yells as they hold their guns at us. I put my hands in the air as Felix and the girls do the same. The same cop who spoke grabs me and throws a pair of handcuffs on me and the same is being done to Felix as they read us our rights. "Officers those two were with us we are the victims here" Mandy cries out as a paramedic looks at her nose it's bleeding she must of hit it when she fell. "I hate New York City" she cries as Mandi holds her. "Cut them lose" the cop who cuffed me says pointing to me and Felix he must be in charge he's wearing regular clothes his badge hanging from a chain on his neck. "Your lucky that Langford's on tonight and not Maxwell boys" the officer in a regular uniform says to us as he takes our cuffs off. "Thank God" Felix says rubbing his arm where the cuffs dug in. "The rest of you are going to jail" Officer Langford says waving his hand. "Wait these guys were just defending themselves from these cowards" I say to Officer Langford pointing to the Irish men who started it all. "Do you think I give a shit who started it?" he asks me chuckling as he looks at his fellow officers. "Aren't you supposed to give a shit I mean you are the cops" I scoff at him. "Walk away now before I change my mind" he says turning to walk away from me. "Hey wait" I say not thinking and to drunk too care as I grab his arm he quickly flips me on my face as I land on the ground with a thud my face searing with pain. "That's it pretty boy you just earned you and your little friend a ride to jail" Officer Langford grits in my ear as I hear Felix yell at me "thanks Hero what the fuck." The ride to jail is silent as blood leaks down the side of my face my eye must be cut I can feel the burning pain. Langford. Why does it feel like I've heard that last name before? We get to the jail and the put us in the same cell with the other guys as the Irish men sit in a cell across from us. They let Felix out to make a phone call and ask me but I refuse. I am not calling my fucking father.  "Just great Hero we could be balls deep in the Mandy's right now but no you had to go all hulk smash" Felix yells at me while the Irishmen tell him to shut up. "You shut up you damn cowards" I yell at them. "All of you shut the fuck up now" the officer says angrily glaring up from his desk. "Fiennes Tiffin, Kent let's go" an officer says opening the cell as I look at Felix curiously. "That's right I called your dad" he says glaring at me making me groan as I shake my head. Fucking hell why did he do that we would of been out by the morning. We stay in silence as we drive the taxi back to our apartment. Not speaking at all until we get back inside of our apartment. "My fucking face hurts" I groan out going to the bathroom as I wash the blood off wincing when I apply the bandage on. "Good you deserve it asshole" Felix says chuckling at me. "Fuck off you shouldn't of called my father" I say irritably walking into my room as I plop onto my bed kicking my shoes off my feet onto the floor. "Too bad I wasn't spending a night on the cold ass concrete" he shouts from his room. "Pussy" I mutter out as he comes in my room. "Speaking of a pussy that Langford cop was a dick" he says chuckling at me. Then it hits me I know that last name it belongs to that blonde haired girl in my class the one I bumped into this morning. I wonder if they are related although she looks nothing like him. "I think I have a class with his daughter" I chuckle at the thought. "Seriously man you need to get her number. For real steal her panties and post them on eBay, or take her out, use that charm and then dump her ass. Get creative man I don't know" he says laughing at me. "Fuck no" I groan at him. "Your telling me you don't want to get back at that prick" he looks at me like I have ten heads. "I don't want to get back at that prick" I say sternly. "You owe me" he says threateningly. "If I see her again I'll ask her out no promises" I groan out irritably. He laughs and leaves my room and I fall into an alcohol induced sleep as I pass out on my bed. I wonder what her first name is?

Author's Note
So this short story is based off the movie Remember Me. If you've seen it you know your going to cry at the end. I was told that I shouldn't use shows or movies for my stories do you guys agree? Please let me know. Don't forget to hit that ⭐ please and thank you. Til Next Time Much Love Tina 😘💗

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