Desperate Measures

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Several weeks had passed since the fairies in the market incident. During that time, Priscilla had noticed Richard and Frances hanging out with each other more and more frequently. Priscilla had already developed multiple theories regarding their relationship including when it started, who had begun courting who, when their wedding date would be, and even how many kids they probably planned on having. She'd also run through about a million scenarios in her head of what she could possibly do to win Frances' heart before then. The only problem was that nearly all of them ended in her humiliating herself further.

Needless to say, Priscilla was growing desperate.

And desperate times often called for desperate measures.

"Is the fairy love dust really that bad?!" Priscilla asked, startling poor Wheeler who had been concentrating hard on the assignment laid out before them.

"I'd imagine so," he replied. "Mully seemed really uptight about it."

"Yeah, but he's uptight about everything."

"I mean...that's true, but I think he's super serious about this," Wheeler said, looking back at their class work. Throughout the classroom, groups of students were huddled around large bowls of beads. They had been assigned the task of painstakingly changing the color of each bead from red to blue, all under the watchful eye of Professor Milton Slengeborn.

"I have a theory," Priscilla said. "I think Mulock only hates the dust because he has a vendetta against love."

Wheeler flicked his wand, changing another bead from red to blue. "Really, what makes you say that?"

"Because someone definitely broke his heart and he's still super bitter about it! It's soooo obvious when you actually think about it. Any time love or romance is mentioned he gets all tense and goes into one of those stupid spiels where he's all like..." Priscilla deepened her voice, imitating Mulock's. "Love is just an illusion. Romance only exists to extort people."

"Wow," Wheeler said in awe. "That was actually a really good impression."

"Mister Trevil, Miss Packwood," Professor Milton called sharply from across the room. "Please tell me, is this a classroom or a gossip emporium?"

"A classroom, sir--"

"Exactly," Milton interrupted. "So get back to work."

Priscilla sighed heavily, moving her wand with the least amount of energy possible as she turned yet another one of the stupid beads blue.

"Anyway," she whispered, "my point is that using the fairy dust probably isn't that big a deal. Besides, it might be my only chance before I lose Frances forever."

"I don't know," Wheeler whispered back. "Isn't it kinda messed up to make her fall in love with you that way?"

"It wouldn't be for long," Priscilla quickly countered. "I'd just need enough time to tell her how I feel without getting scared she'll reject me on the spot. Then I'd undo it, I promise."

"But still, Mully would be really upset with us..."

"He doesn't need to know."

Wheeler's mouth pressed into a hard line, his shoulders sagging as he absently turned another bead's color to blue.

Priscilla looked at him, letting out a low sigh. Obviously she didn't want to lose her chance with Frances but this was clearly making Wheeler uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry," she said softly. "I'll drop it. We can just forget about the dust--"

As she spoke, the light chime of bells rang through the room, signifying the end of class. Instantly a mass exodus of students began to clamor towards the door.

As Priscilla and Wheeler began to gather their things, Priscilla suddenly heard the sharp click of heels approaching. She looked up to find Violet across from them, her books clutched tightly to her chest like armor.

"Hello, Priscilla," Violet said, making a clear note not to even acknowledge Wheeler's presence.

Priscilla gave her a tight smile. "Hi, Violet."

Violet's gaze flickered to the floor for a moment, then back to Priscilla. "I wanted to apologize again for how I treated you this year. I know you said everything was alright between us but...I suppose I still feel pretty awful about the whole thing. I really would like to try being friends again. So I..." She took a deep breath. "We're having a little party at the tower next weekend and it would mean a lot if you'd come."

There was no doubt in Priscilla's mind that Violet was only reaching out to simply have the satisfaction of feeling like she was completely off the hook for any previous harm she'd caused.

Well then, Priscilla thought, let's put her attempt at reform to the test.

Priscilla pretended to think for a moment, slowly crossing her arms. "Alright, I'll come...on one condition."

Violet arched a perfectly shaped brow. "Which is?"

"You let Wheeler come too."

Both Violet and the boy seemed taken aback by her statement.

"Wha..." Wheeler gasped.

Violet immediately shook her head. "I can't. He'd ruin everything."

Priscilla's eyes narrowed. "Why?"

"Because," Violet hissed, "he's a frea--" she caught herself, clutching her books a little tighter. "Everyone's scared of him. He'd make the whole party nervous."

"Oh you have got to be joking," Priscilla snapped. "You guys are seriously scared by Wheeler?" She reached forward, squishing Wheeler's cheeks. "Does this boy look even remotely threatening to you?"

" really I guess--"

"Then stop making excuses," Priscilla interrupted sharply. "I'm so sick of everyone at this school treating him like he's some kind of monster. He's my best friend and the kindest, most sincere person I know. So Violet," Priscilla placed her hands on her hips, "if you can't include Wheeler then I want nothing to do with you."

Violet's face scrunched up into an almost unreadable expression. Finally however, she let out a little huff. "Ugh, fine. He can come. But if he screws everything up you're the one I expect to take responsibility." With those words the girl turned on her heels and stomped away. The click of her shoes grew softer and softer, fading into silence as she finally marched out the door.

Wheeler's gaze flickered to the ground now, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "You didn't need to do all that on my account."

"I've just had enough of our class acting like idiots," Priscilla said with a sigh. "Once they actually get to know you, they'll realize they've been total jerks."

"Still," Wheeler said softly, "I wish there was a way I could repay you for standing up for me..." His eyes suddenly widened, an idea coming to him. "I'm going to help you with the love dust!"

Priscilla immediately shook her head. "I don't want to force you if you don't want to."

"I mean, you said we'd just undo it right after," Wheeler said slowly. "And I'm sure Mully will be okay with it once he understands how desperate the situation is."

"You're absolutely sure?" Priscilla asked.

Wheeler gave a stiff nod. "Yeah. Besides, as long as we're careful nothing can go too horribly wrong, right?" 

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