Familiar Faces

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"I hope we're not making a terrible mistake," Violet mumbled, staring out the window as the carriage ascended the winding path leading up the hill. She kept her gaze fixed on the twisted spires of the castle in the distance, its form growing larger and larger as they approached. Violet sighed heavily, propping her chin up with one hand. "Does having doubts make me a bad person?"

"No," Robin said softly. Her former classmate was seated across from her, staring down at his hands. "It's only natural. Turning against our emperor is terrifying." He swallowed hard. "But regardless, my sister is a Royal Mage. As scared as I am, I can't abandon her. I'm sure you feel the same way."

Violet nodded stiffly. "A friend of mine became one only two years ago." Her gaze darted to the carriage floor. "And if I had won the tournament, I would've joined him." Violet's stomach twisted at the thought. "Right now, I'd be trapped alongside the other mages, powerless as the emperor destroyed my mind and body..." Her voice caught, choking on the words.

When the rumors first began, Violet had never wanted to believe such horrors could possibly be true. However, once the five princes defected, along with several other noble families, it became impossible to remain in denial.

The empire was ruled by a murderer who butchered his own subjects like they were livestock.

Violet let out another low sigh, leaning her head against the carriage window.

Joining the rebellion was horribly dangerous and Violet was terrified. Regardless, by fighting against the emperor, she was doing the right thing. Perhaps the white-haired boy from the forest would finally be proud of her.

Violet was jerked from her thoughts as the carriage abruptly screeched to a halt, several former knights stepping out in front of them.

"State your name and business," one called loudly, his sword at the ready.

"Violet Dolloway and Robin Wires," Violet announced. "We're here to join His Majesty, the Rebel Emperor." She dug through her bag, holding out the papers she'd been gifted by the noble who'd recruited them. Violet proceeded to stick them through the open window, presenting them to the knights. At the bottom of the document was the crown prince's seal, proving they were genuine.

The knights looked them over before giving a single nod. "Alright, you may enter." And with that, they stepped to the side, allowing them through.

The carriage began to roll forward once more, approaching the twisted castle that was the Vivok estate.

Violet's eyes widened with surprise as they grew nearer. Surrounding the grounds of the estate were countless people. Many stood in small groups, practicing swordsmanship or magic. Spells flew through the air towards dummies and targets while knights sparred vigorously. Around them, more rebels were sharpening weapons and moving supplies, so busy they didn't even bother to acknowledge the approaching carriage. This quickly changed, however, when the carriage finally rolled to a stop and the estate's doors flew open.

Standing there was Wheeler, Priscilla at his left and the pretty white-haired boy at his right. The moment the Rebel Emperor appeared, a hush fell over the rebels, bowing deeply as he made his way through them.

Violet's breath caught, taking him in. The Wheeler of her memories was nothing like the man before her now. Had he always been this handsome?

She'd remembered Wheeler as an awkward, gangly little boy, but he had to be at least six feet tall now. His chest and shoulders were broader, extenuated further by the loose white shirt he wore, the sleeves rolled up and front laces undone. She assumed he must have been training, if the gilsten of sweat on his half exposed chest was anything to go by, a wooden talisman hitting against it as he moved towards her. She squinted at it. Was that a toad? Well...it seemed at least some things never change.

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