Wheeler Becomes a Fairytale Princess

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"Uuuuugh, I hate him so much," Priscilla muttered. "His plan is so bloody obvious even I can tell what he's trying to do."

"It's simple but effective," Mulock agreed with a nod. "Frustratingly so."

They were currently tearing their way through the forest on horseback, trees darting past them. Mulock rode at the lead, Priscilla clinging to his back. There was no need for hunting dogs when you had a demon with an incredible sense of smell acting as your tracker.

Wheeler was silent as they continued on, his chest feeling almost unbearably tight as he rode closely behind them.

Emeric had directly challenged Wheeler to a competitive hunt, just between the two of them. His father had seemed thrilled, thinking it to all be in good fun. And as much as Wheeler wanted to believe his brother really was just trying to bond with him, Wheeler wasn't stupid.

Emeric had known there were only two options for Wheeler - either he'd be forced to kill an innocent creature, or he would return a failure. It wasn't like Wheeler was in any position to object to the challenge once his father had enthusiastically approved it.

Wheeler's grip tightened on the reins, that image of Emeric holding the rock flashing vividly in his mind. He understood the anger and frustration his brother must feel, but still... how could someone willingly hurt innocent creatures without a second thought? Wheeler wanted to love his brother. He wanted it more than anything. Yet, ever since that incident, he'd begun to feel something cold and seething in the pit of his stomach every time he was around him. Emeric's challenge of the hunt certainly hadn't helped subdue the feeling.

Mulock held up a hand now, warning them to be silent. They slowed their horses, stalking quietly ahead as they held their breath. Slowly, they emerged into a clearing. Through the thick underbrush... they finally saw the creature. Wheeler's breath caught at the sight of it, his eyes growing wide. He'd never seen something so beautiful in his life.

The griffin was curled up, sunlight bathing down on the creature, causing her golden brown feathers to shimmer. She looked far fluffier and gentle than Wheeler had expected, her amber eyes half closed—clearly not expecting danger.

To no one's surprise, none of them moved for their weapons or wands. Seeing the creature in the flesh simply confirmed what they had already known, deep down. As Emeric had anticipated, Wheeler didn't have it in him to kill her.

"So," Priscilla whispered. "What exactly do we do now?"

"I don't know," Mulock whispered back. "Try to keep our heads high and just let Emeric win, I suppose."

The creature shifted as they spoke, her feathers ruffling in the breeze.

"Wait," Wheeler murmured. "I think I might have an idea."

Wheeler slowly slipped off his horse, silent as he tied the mare to a nearby tree. Luckily, Mulock and Priscilla seemed to trust him enough not to protest, simply watching on with bated breath.

With his every footstep pressing down into the underbrush with extreme care, Wheeler approached the griffin. She lifted her head, her gaze falling to him as he moved towards her. Wheeler instantly made sure to assume the most non-threatening stance he could. To his relief, she didn't seem disturbed by his presence, simply continuing to watch him approach with curiosity. Carefully, Wheeler extended a hand. He swallowed hard, hoping the creature would understand he meant no harm and not try to bite his hand off (which was certainly a possibility).

This thought seemed to cross Mulock and Priscilla's mind at the exact same moment, both tensing as Wheeler's hand drew closer. Mulock appeared ready to fling himself between them if anything went wrong, watching the scene taking place like a hawk.

The griffin cautiously tilted her head to the side as Wheeler's fingers neared her, taking him in.

"Don't worry," Wheeler said softly. "I won't hurt you."

As if she could understand the words, the griffin suddenly leaned forward, beginning to sniff at his extended hand. After several long moments of this, she finally dipped her head, giving Wheeler's hand a little nuzzle.

Still being extremely careful, Wheeler reached further, gently running his hand across the griffin's soft feathers. The griffin didn't jerk away or snap at him, instead letting out a low purr, extending her neck to give him further access.

Wheeler continued to gently pet the creature, glancing back over his shoulder at Mulock and Priscilla who finally appeared far more relaxed.

Wheeler grinned at them. "She's beautiful, isn't she?"

"Yeah," Priscilla breathed. "Wheeler, are you sure you're not actually a fairytale princess or something?"

"Next he's going to start singing," Mulock mused.

"Well..." Wheeler said slowly. "Mister Pumpernickel and I actually have been working on a duet!"

Mulock rolled his eyes. "Great. There's nothing I'd love more than to let a tone deaf boy and his even more tone deaf toad ruin my eardrums."

"Um... so I'm going to assume that was sarcasm."


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