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The lazy afternoon hours passed at a pleasant crawl, and Asami was more than happy to spend them in Korra's arms. Sometimes, she flipped through the pages of the book waiting on her nightstand—one of her regular bedtime habits. Korra remained inside her, sometimes reading over her shoulder, sometimes placing soft kisses on the back of her neck and inhaling the scent that lived there. Inevitably, Korra would stir and start to move within her, and Asami would become distracted. The book would find its way somewhere else as the two of them fell into familiar rhythms.

When Asami grew thirsty, Korra carried her downstairs—a feat Asami couldn't help being impressed by, considering how active they had already been that day. Her fingertips trailed along the tight cords of Korra's biceps during the journey, an indulgence she couldn't help. After a few gulps of water, she'd ended up perched on the kitchen counter as Korra moved in and out of her again.

Once they made it back upstairs, it was time for a bath—one that took an extra long time thanks to Korra's reluctance to withdraw. Asami didn't mind. It felt nice to let Korra smear her skin with soap, and even nicer to feel Korra's fingers sifting through her hair. The alpha seemed content to do everything with her hands instead of waterbending, and Asami couldn't help appreciating the intimate approach. She returned the favor as best she could, and they only separated long enough to finish cleaning themselves before Korra slid back inside of her from behind with a grateful groan.

"So warm," Korra muttered, for what must have been the hundredth time that day as her hips began churning again.

Asami didn't respond. With her breasts trapped against the wall of the shower and nothing but slick tile to grip, it was all she could do to keep her balance. Luckily, Korra kept hold of her hips and helped her remain upright. They finished together, Korra with a roar that echoed around the large bathroom, and Asami with a whimper as the hot pulses of her mate's release splashed against her quivering walls.

By the time Korra finally carried her back to the bedroom, she was pleasantly drained. Her muscles were sore and shaking, and her skin was still damp from the shower, and she knew that despite her best efforts, she was going to fall asleep soon.

"Mako should be back with Yasuko soon," she mumbled, fighting to keep her lashes from brushing her cheeks.

"Soon," Korra agreed. "But not yet."

She pulled out, guiding Asami onto the bed and urging her to rest on her stomach.

"What are you doing?" Asami asked.

"Nothing unless you want me to," Korra said, but from her tone, Asami could tell she had something in mind.

"As long as it's nothing strenuous..."

"It's not. All you have to do is lay there."

Asami sighed, resting her cheek on the pillow as Korra puttered around in one of the bedside drawers. She could smell their mingled scents clinging to the fabric, and it brought a soft smile to her lips.

Soon, she felt the mattress dip. Korra swung a knee over her hips to straddle her, and Asami felt a dim awareness flicker to life in her head. "That should be fine," she murmured, spreading her legs and getting comfortable. "Just be patient."

Korra brushed aside her hair and kissed the base of her neck. "Don't worry. With how often I've come today, I can afford to take my time with this."

Asami closed her eyes. "Then I'm in your hands."

Said hands gripped both cheeks of her ass, massaging the sore muscles until there wasn't an ounce of tension left in them. Meanwhile, Korra's mouth continued exploring her back, alternating between wet, open-mouthed kisses and gentle bites. Each one sent a shiver shooting down Asami's spine, and she spread her legs wider, suddenly eager for more despite her exhaustion.

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