≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺ they were made for each other in the same way night is made for day she was light and he was darkness apart they were ordinary but together they were exceptional. ≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺
Welcome to Dittany and Asphodel. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read this book -- I've only written a few chapters thus far but it has already been a labor of love and many hours of work have gone into it.
Please feel free to correct any grammar mistakes you may find -- I'm a perfectionist, so I will be more than happy to fix them.
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- I do not own J.K. Rowling's characters. I may borrow dialogue from the books and movies; everything from those sources that I borrow will belong to her. I'd also like to clarify that I do not support JKR after her harmful comments about the trans community. I stand with the trans community and I fully support each and every one of you. <3
- I own my main character, Elizabeth Sharpe, as well as the entire Sharpe family, as they are characters of my own making. I will most likely include other original characters as well, and they will belong to me.
- Please do not steal my work.
- This story will focus on my original character, Elizabeth, so certain plot points may be altered or adjusted to allow for her story. Therefore, certain elements of this book may not be completely canon.
- All of the GIFs I use are found either through Google or Pinterest. I do not take credit for the GIFs as they are not mine.
- The characters will be described as mixtures of who's cast for them and how they are described in the books. For example, Harry has black hair and green eyes in the books, while Daniel Radcliffe has dark brown hair and blue eyes. Since I've cast Daniel as Harry again, Harry will be described as having these features. However, I do want Harry to be tall so I'm going to make him tall like he is in the books. Basically, I'm just going to describe the characters how I envision them, which won't be completely authentic to either the books or movies.
- This book will focus equally on Elizabeth's story arc as well as her romance with Harry. I honestly feel like he's such an underrated character in the series (which makes little to no sense because he's quite literally the main character?) and deserves so much more love.
- Last thing, I promise! There will be mild swearing throughout the story and anything else that could be triggering will be listed in a warnings section at the beginning of each chapter. At this moment in time, I will not be writing any smut because I would feel uncomfortable writing that and I don't want readers to feel uncomfortable either. If anything like that happens it will be implied and there will be no explicit details!
Wow, sorry, that was a lot, but I think that about covers it! Enjoy!