Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty - Date

Saturday, 28th March 2020


We got in his car and he started driving to our destination, which I haven't found out yet.

"Where are we going?" I asked and he smirked, "It's a surprise."

I rolled my eyes, "What's with guys and surprises?"

He chuckled, "It's just first date courtesy for gentlemen to surprise their date."

"Heh, 'gentlemen'."

We stopped at a red light and he looked at me. He mockingly placed a hand on his heart, pretending to be hurt, "How dare you? I'm one of the finest gentleman there is," he said in a posh tone.

"Sure you are."

We laughed and continued the drive with small talk. When I was distracted, he sneakily placed his hand on my thigh. I reacted by holding his hand and continued talking with him.

It's nice talking to someone other than the usual people.


We eventually arrived at the bottom of a mountain.

"Wait here," Zach said before getting out of the car. I rolled my eyes and got out myself right as he came to open the door. He furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you serious?"

I smiled innocently and his frown turned into a grin. He closed the door for me and went to hold my hand. He started leading me up the trail of the mountain.

"We're not climbing the whole thing, right?" I asked worriedly. I'm too lazy. He laughed, "No, just ten minutes."

I nodded and fell in step with him. We continued our walk in silence, his grip on my hand tightening when there's a steep step. Soon enough, we arrived at a small cliff and I silently gasped at the scenery.

There was a picnic blanket with a basket on top. Fairy lights were swirled around the trees, illuminating the whole place. There were candles in glass cylinders with the top removed so it doesn't topple over easily.

It may be simple and not what I was used to, but it was beautiful.

"Do you like it?" I heard Zach asking me from behind and I nodded, "Did you do this yourself?"

"Ben helped me with the food, but that's all the help I got," he said while rubbing his neck. The corner of my lips lifted as I softly grazed my fingers on the tree trunks, "I haven't seen fairy lights in forever."

He came and held my free hand, "Then I'm glad I chose it."

He gently tugged me to the blanket and we sat down, the basket separating us. He took out plates, containers of food, and beer.

"Room temperature beer doesn't taste nice," I commented and he chuckled, "There's a small cooler box in there."

He placed the food on the plates and opened the beer.

"Shall we, Diamond?" he asked, handing me utensils. I smiled, "We shall."

We ate while having some small talks.


When dinner was done, he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we talked about more...personal topics.

"You said your parents worked as the CEOs of a secret facility," he said and I nodded, letting him continue, "What kind of facility?"

I looked at him, "Why do you wanna know?"

He shrugged, "I guess I just wanna know more about you. You're always so secretive."

I waved it off, "It's nothing, really. Just a thing."

He raised an eyebrow, "Just a 'thing'?"

"Yeah," I answered in a matter-of-fact tone. His eyes still held curiosity but shrugged it off.

"So um...I did a little digging," he said, his hand coming to grab mine. I nodded for him to continue, "You have two older brothers, don't you?"

I raised an eyebrow, keeping a cool composure, "What're you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Diamond. You have twin brothers and one of them always comes pick you up after school, or they're alternating."

I blinked at him.

So he's not blind.

Damn, I was hoping he was.

"What made you think that?"

"There's these two guys that a bitch- whose name shall not be said- talked about last time. She sent me the picture before," he said while pulling out his phone and unlocking it.

He scrolled through the gallery before pressing on a picture and showing me. Sure enough, it was Kris and KT.

So he's not that dumb.

"I meant, what made you think that I had any relations with them?"

Ha, I euro stepped around that topic like I was a basketball player-

"Don't you think they resemble you a little too much?"

...that fell on his face and let the enemy team get the ball.

"In what way?" I asked. I'm gonna hold off talking about them for as long as I could. He pointed to various features they had that resembled mine.

"Their eyebrows are carefully shaped like yours, their cheeks carry a slight bit of color like you, their jawline are sharp yet slightly rounded somewhat like you, the top part of their face shape is a complete copy of yours, and their eyes are a distinctive color like you, but you have blue and they have green."

No, he isn't blind at all.

He looked at me, "Is that the answer you wanted?" I bit my lips, actually debating on telling him.

Ah, fuck it.

"Yeah, they're my brothers, so what?" I asked, giving back his phone. He kept it in his pocket before turning back to me, "Why did you keep them a secret anyway?"


He rolled his eyes, "Not a good enough answer."

I retorted, "But an answer nonetheless."

He chuckled lightly before pecking my temple, "You're so feisty, I love it."

I poked his cheek playfully, "You just indirectly said that specific three words."

"I did, so what?"

"Nothing. Just like hearing it."

"Then I should say it, huh?"

"If you want to."

He glanced at me before kissing and nibbling my lips lightly, "Soon, Diamond. Soon."

Happy New Year's Eve! Hopefully, 2021 will be better than this year. Thank you for choosing to read AYR.

See you!


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