Chapter 20. Alive and kicking.

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After he had finished his breakfast, Maxwell tried to relax a bit by reading a book, but he almost immediately fell asleep. He was still holding the book upright and was sitting properly, with his chin resting on his other hand, so one might get the impression he was just resting his eyes for a moment. But the moment went for too long, and I swear I heard him snoring softly every so often. The poor doctor must have gone sleepless several nights trying to keep me healthy, and I was very thankful to him for that. Once I recovered, I would have to repay it to him somehow.

It took more time to Alyssa and me to finish our meals, I had to eat a bit each time and let it sit in my stomach for a while so that I wouldn't overfill it, which the doctor had warned me not to do in my condition. Alyssa, on the other hand, had asked for quite the big dessert. I started to ponder what to do with the rest of my day, I was still too weak to return to my daily activities, but I certainly didn't want to just go back to bed. And I was feeling like I was missing something. No, someone.

—Come to think, where is Eve? —I asked, and Sophie suddenly looked away.

—Eve? —Alyssa asked, as she finished the last spoon of her frozen confectionary.

—Oh, you might have not met her yet. She is the Rose Nymph that I managed to sprout recently. She was the one that saved me the first time they tried to kidnap Violett —I said, followed by a brief description of her appearance and emphasizing just how small she was by placing my hands to roughly represent her size.

—Ah! Yeah, yeah, I met her! —Alyssa said with a broad smile on her face —she didn't allowed anyone but Maxwell to come close to you when you were unconscious, and it even hissed at him a few times. When I arrived, she attacked me right away, but fell to the ground after I blocked her.

—WHAT? —I said, shocked.

—Ma-madame, please calm down —Sophie said— We took Eve to the greenhouse and we have been watering and taking care of her since then, but... well, it might be better if you see it for yourself...

I threw a glance towards the doctor, and thankfully he was still asleep, so I asked Alyssa to carry me to the greenhouse, while Sophie helped me carrying Violett. My heart almost dropped when I finally saw Eve, she was lying on a pot, and her leaves and vines looked brown and unhealthy.

—W-we are very sorry, Madame... —Sophie declared, lowering her head.

—I believe all of you took care of her when I couldn't; this is not your fault. She must have been too worried and stressed trying to protect me —I said, grabbing hold of Eve and bringing her towards my chest—, we need to contact Victor, he might know what to do to save her.

Just as I was saying that, I felt that she started to move, and I saw her eyes opening. She smiled, weakly at first, but her face started to regain color in just a few seconds. Even her leaves looked a bit healthier, and she was able to move enough to rub her face against me. I was glad her situation wasn't as critical as I had thought, but I still believed we needed an expert's opinion. So we took her back to the house and I wrote another letter, this one for my botanist friend.

The rest of the day was quite uneventful, and so were the following ones. But as the days passed by I started to show improvements on my condition. The doctor was actually quite impressed and even a bit confused by how quick I was regaining control over my body. I want to think he had been just too pessimistic in his initial examination. After four days, I was able to walk on my own, although still slowly and with the help of a cane. Sophie volunteered to help me carry Violett around, but my baby decided to start walking on her own at that same time. Whenever I needed to go somewhere, she held onto my leg to get some support, and we slowly made our way through the house.

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