Chapter 9. Follow you, follow me.

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The days kept passing by, and before I knew, three months had passed. By that point, I had become pretty accustomed to my newly found routine of taking care of the greenhouse's plants. Of course, taking care of Violett was my priority. She needed to be feed every two hours or so, even at the middle of the night. I'm quite a light sleeper, so I would wake up whenever she started to make a fuss.

—You have to let us help you, Madame. This is not open to discussion.

Carmila had declared after I had told her I could do it by myself. All of the attendants, even Sophie agreed with her, so there was little I could do.

—Fine, each of you will have a turn each night.

I would still wake up whenever someone entered my room, but knowing it was one of my trusted maids helped me sleep soundly shortly after that, at least until the next turn. Once morning arrived, I bathed Violett with Sophie's help, and took a bath myself. We ate breakfast together, and then went to work on the greenhouse. I had planted lots of flowers and plants of all sorts, following the indications of Victor of course, but I only had tiny sprouts. We had built a pretty improvised composter, and it was already producing fertilizer from our food scraps and fallen leaves. I had immediately and impulsively applied it to all of the pots, so I didn't know if they were growing especially fast. I would have liked to leave one plant without it, but I couldn't choose which to "neglect".

—And this is the pot where I planted the Rose Nymph —I told Violet as I watered said point—, with any luck, it will grow up into something beautiful by the time you can appreciate it... I hope.

I had remembered reading somewhere that talking to babies helped their cognitive development, so I tried to keep Violett at my side at any moment and describe her everything I was doing. I brought the stroller with me so I could put her there, but I liked to carry her on my arms as much as possible. The Rose Nymph, by the way, still hadn't sprouted. Despite this, the Botanist still praised my work on every visit, though I was convinced he was just being kind and polite. He also has been helping me take care of the plants, and after that we chatted over some tea under the gazebo. After work was done, during the first hours of the afternoon, I would have my lunch. Then it would be "play time" with Violett, I would either read her a book or sang to her. I occasionally also gave her massages, though I had practically no idea what I was doing.

At dusk, we would take a nap, have dinner, take another bath, and maybe read a bit more before going to sleep. Anna, Marcus, and their grandpa visited us every so often, and helped with whatever they could, even if it wasn't a work meant for an adventurer. They were the ones that build the composter. Nora took an interest in the swordswoman, and they started to have spares and train together. I was surprised to find out the maid was the one with the upper hand most of the time. While seeing their train, it occurred to me to ask Marcus about magic.

—Are you perhaps interested in learning how to use it? —he asked.

—Not exactly, I have no aptitude for it, so I resigned to never been able to use it —I said—, but I'm intrigued by it, from an entirely academic point of view.

He faintly smiled, and proceeded to spew a lot of undiluted information about the topic, as if a dam had broken. I somehow managed to understand the basics, but as expected, I couldn't replicate it at all. That didn't seem to lower his motivation, as he was more into teaching it than getting me to actually cast a spell.

Finally, my last recurrent guest was the good Doctor, Maxwell Conrad. He came every two weeks or so to check up on both Violett's and my own health. Thankfully, she was in perfect health every visit. As for me...

—Take a deep breath —he said, but it was pretty difficult to do so with Sylphie's cold skin touching my back.

I sat on a corner of my bed, with my back uncovered so he could "hear" my lungs. I was regretting mentioning him that my throat had been a bit sore for a couple of days, which prompted him to give me a very meticulous and thoroughly exam.

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