Chapter 39. La Leyenda de la Mancha.

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(From Rosanne)

I woke up suddenly. I think I was having a nightmare, but the situation in which I woke up quickly made me forget all about it. I could hear heavy rain and thunder, and the carriage was shaking a lot. We must have been caught by a storm. We knew those formed suddenly in this ocean, and we had a plan for it, Adrian would swim towards the coast at the first signal of one. If it had reached us with such strength it meant that Adrian was aware of it for some time already, and we were on our way to safety. We just needed to hold on.

I looked at my travel partners, Lucius looked as if nothing was happening, and Maxwell seemed to be more worried about my safety, making sure I didn't hit my head against something. Ingrid was trying to look though, but I could see by how she was gripping strongly to her seat that she was worried and scared. I feel bad for dragging her into this crazy mission of mine. I was going to tell her something, try to calm her down in some way, when a loud noise interrupted me. It sounded like an eerie melody, something that reminded me of whales' calls, but not quite.

—What is that? —I asked, trying to look through the window.

Ingrid did the same, but we could only see darkness, until several lightning bolts crossed the sky. We saw a beast, swimming just 15 or so meters away from us. It was bigger than an Orca, with a hump in the back, and something that resembled tusks coming from its maw.

—Sea Boars! —Ingrid yelled, as she jumped back.

—Oh, my, this might be dangerous —Lucius added.

—Huh? —was everything I could add to the conversation.

—Sea Boars are terrible animals to encounter at sea —Maxwell explained—, they are extremely aggressive and powerful. An armored ship would have trouble dealing with one, but they are pack animals...

Another lightning allowed us to see that another two of them were swimming on our other side.

—Our only advantage is our speed. Adrian should be able to move faster for longer than them, but... —the doctor said, and then got quiet.

There was no need to finish his sentence, we all knew what he was trying to say. Adrian had been swimming for hours. There was no way he could pull such a stunt. If the Sea Boars attacked us, we were doomed.

But, they didn't, they were just swimming next to us. And we noticed that our vehicle wasn't shaking as intensely as before.

—Are... are they protecting us? —I dared to ask. By all appearances, they were using their bodies as wave breakers.

—It seems so, but that doesn't make sense —Lucius said—, there is no record of such a thing ever happening.

—No, they aren't protecting us. They are protecting YOU, witch —Ingrid added, throwing a glare at me—, just like you, those creatures have the blood of Tiamat!

—Tia... mat? —I asked.

—Don't play dumb. Lilith, your ancestor, is the mother of all dragons, but her mother, Tiamat, is the mother of all demons.


I looked at my reflection in the window. Certainly, with the horns coming from my forehead, I looked a lot like a demon. My head started to hurt the more I thought about it, so I tried to distract myself, and focused on listening to the song that the Sea Boars sang. The storm calmed down as dawn broke, and we came to a halt. We could see land pretty close, and the shallow waters had prevented the Sea Boars from following us, but they were still waiting for us. I could see them blowing steam from their nostrils and even jumping out of the water. Adrian came to talk to us, he was pretty shocked when the Sea Boars started to follow us, and more so when they didn't attack us, just like we had been.

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