Chapter 10. Monarchy of Roses.

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I became acquaintance with Rosanne Dragonroot almost a year ago, after she realized she had become pregnant. She was apparently looking for the best doctor of the nation, and she called for me specifically. Despite the pride I have on my skills and knowledge, I'll have to admit there are better doctors than myself. Only two or three though, but they still count.

I have heard the rumors, about her clan and about herself, but I still decided to accept the job. In my experience, rumors tended to be either completely false, or greatly exaggerated. People who would actually do bad things would usually be discrete enough about them, so she couldn't be as bad as the gossipers described her, I thought. I had worked with other nobles before, some who were terrible to work with and won't even thank someone who saved their lives. One in specific had refused to pay me for several years, despite curing him after years of being horribly sick. As long as she was within that range, I could deal with her.

My expectations were completely thrown away when I stood in front of her.

—Hmm, so you are the so called Dr. Maxwell Conrad? I was expecting a bit more...

The woman was standing on the top of a staircase, looking down at me with her bright red eyes. Her arms were crossed, and everything about her posture indicated "disapproval". No, it was more like her whole self was screaming "disdain" towards me.

I couldn't believe her, even those who turned out to be obnoxious to deal at least tried to act polite when we met. If this was her trying to give a "good impression", I didn't want to stay and see how she acted normally. And, well, since her life wasn't in any risk, I decided I wouldn't take her as a patient. I would rather lose reputation and prestige than to deal with her. But I couldn't leave. I couldn't move. Her glare alone had me frozen in place. Then she smiled, still with her eyebrows furrowed.

—You haven't run away, good —she said, in a slightly amused tone—, then I suppose I'll have to leave my life in your barely capable hands.

She finally stepped down of the stairs, but that didn't make too much difference. Her height was more or less the same as mine, yet she continued to look down on me by raising her forehead.

—Or perhaps, are you not up to the task?

Her words managed to hurt my ego, as much as I hate to admit it.

—Leave it to me! —I impulsively said—. I'll make sure you and the baby are healthy at the end of your pregnancy, even if I have to battle against Ereshkigal for your soul!

She conceitedly smiled once more, and told me to follow her to her room. I gave her a check up, and aside from her whining about Sylphie, everything about her health seemed fine. I continued to visit her on the upcoming months and monitored the baby's development. She continued to be annoying and arrogant as ever, but I started to see a different aspect of her personality.

—You have done a pretty good job, Doctor —she said one rainy day after her check up—, in spite of your lack of bedside manners.

It didn't answer to her provocations, despite how much I wanted to call on her hypocrisy. I couldn't deny entirely her accusation either, other people, even well intentioned, have pointed to me that I could be a bit... discourteous, when dealing with patients.

—Ah, I just remembered, a friend got pregnant too; I'll send her a recommendation for you. Take care of her —she added while I was leaving the room.

I didn't thought too much of that, but a couple of days later, I received a letter from the Queen Erzebeth herself, asking me to watch over her pregnancy. I couldn't believe the Queen could be the friend Rosanne had spoken about, but it was too much of a coincidence if that wasn't the case. Besides, I didn't receive any other letter at that time. I tried to ask her on our next meeting, but well...

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