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no matter who tries to stop me, i will go on my way, you only live once. leggo!


third person's perspective

everyone knows that jeongguk isn't a merciful person, he's impatient and doesn't seek for second chances. for him, if he gave you one chance that's it, one shouldn't expect for another.

he will remain stoic no matter how the person cries, no matter how close they are, no matter how pitiful they are. and that's the same with his father.

knowing how his father brought him only pain, is there really something to stop him? pain, grief, sadness? he won't be stop by that, because vengeance is overpowering his senses.

when he announced that his father is going to be tortured using the brazen bull, everyone inside was frozen. it was namjoon who took initiative and prepared the torture.

all of them were shocked when they heard the mafia boss' command. that's why his underboss asked if he's sure since it's the first time ever, that he's gonna use this to someone.

when he got the torture device it was just hidden inside for almost a seven years. it was the most inhumane out of all his methods and it is also the most expensive one that he bought.

since it is also one of the oldest torture device that was used hundred of years ago, he was going to use it especially for his father. yes he prepared long enough for this day to come.

"you don't know how much you damaged me." he muttered angrily, cursing the man in his mind multiple of times. he wanted him dead but he felt like that's an easy karma for him.

so in able to make his revenge, he'll kill him the worst way possible. if that means he'll see him again in hell, he would do it to experience heaven here with taehyung.

he just can't accept this man as a father and a human anymore. it's enough that he killed the first one he ever loved before, his mother. and he killed her the worst way possible. he can't live his life with his father roaming freely after killing his mother.

but as to now, his family's at risk again. taehyung and their unborn child should live their life to the fullest, only happiness and no darkness. they're his angels, so even a tainted demon like him will sacrifice himself to those beautiful creatures.

"we're going to start the fire sir." namjoon informed while ushering few men to work so they'll finish faster. namjoon is honestly so tired with this, he can't tell if he's gonna need to go to the bathroom to reflect and maybe to throw up or not.

"set it in the lowest, i want him to suffer for as long as possible." jeongguk stated and not removing his stare from the man before.

"so what inspires you to do this kind of treasure?" jeon fengmian asked as if they are close, as if they were old pals who hadn't seen each other. and that annoyed jeongguk but he remained calm and chuckled, deciding to be kind since it's his last day anyway.

"you don't need to ask, it's you." jeongguk stated.

"ironic huh? killing me the same way i killed your useless mother? what a joke." the man stated, hiding the fact that he's amused but also afraid. what human wants to die that way anyway? but for jeongguk, he deserves it.

if there's a way to revive him and kill him again, jeongguk would do it hundred of times before his anger subside.

"sir, it's all done." namjoon stated again while pointing at the device set on the lowest fire. underneath the bull is a stove, as big as the bull.

"now, now, let's get it started hm?" he stated with a crazy smile. he motioned for his men to grab the man who tried resisting but failed miserably.

"open the door." namjoon ordered the two men who's standing beside the bull, sweating because of the heat. they were wearing thick gloves while opening the small metal door.

"you think this is the end jeon jeongguk!? we'll see each other in hell!!" jeon fengmian shouted before he was pushed inside the small door.

the mafia boss smiled before walking towards it with two gallons of oil that he was carrying. the man trembled in fear when jeongguk poured it all inside. now coated with oil, namjoon handed him what he also prepared, chilli and soy sauce.

"this is going to hurt like hell, literally." jeongguk joked before pouring the ingredients inside. he motioned for his men to close the door, jeon fengmian's fearful eyes was the last thing he saw.

"this is sick." hoseok muttered silently while yoongi pinched him to shut him up.

"close your mouth if you don't want to end up that way horseface." suga whispered to him. jimin glared at the two bickering people and shook his head.

"wah, you fucking pussy face." hoseok retorded. suga was about to reply when they both felt pressure on their butt, jimin pinched them.

"shut up you morons." jimin whispered.

they stood up straight when they saw jeongguk nearing them. with a straight face, jeongguk watched boredly as the bull started to heat up slowly, now they heard the man's screams turning into a sound of a bull everytime he does.

"let me go!! help me please!!" the man shouted and the device was making his voice more like a bull. people who might hear this might mistake it for a talking demon.

it was scorching hot inside, the oil were bubbling up as well as his skin. they were cooking down to the bones. his skin that was making contact with the oil was frying and seeping with blood and flesh.

jeon fengmian cried and wailed but jeongguk only stood proudy, smiling when hearing the yells. it continued for almost two hours until it stopped.

"check if he's dead, if he still is. go to the forest and let the animals feed on him, if he's not then just do it. don't waste my time anymore, i'll be leaving." jeongguk stated before walking out of the playroom.

namjoon saluted and watched jeongguk's retreating figure.

"h-how are we gonna take him?" jimin asked in fear. he doesn't want to see anyone like that. no matter how professional he is, he can't take it.

"babe, you can accompany jin hyung. let us take care of it." suga whispered only to him but one person heard it. hoseok looked at them curiously.

"he's right, we know you can't take it. go and accompany jin hyung." hoseok also stated. he nodded to suga who bowed in gratefulness.

"let's stop the fire first and let it cool." namjoon stated. jimin looked back at them lastly before leaving the playroom to find jin. the last thing on their mind was it's finally done.


sorry for the late update. i've been really busy since it's start of class again and i have to prepare a report. dammit, my social anxiety says no.

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