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we're close to the end🤧


taehyung's perspective

weeks had passed and i'm glad that my boyfriend's condition is getting better day by day. i don't know what he did to his father, or what happened to them inside his playroom since he refused to tell me.

i don't really mind since it was his matter, just a little bit curious since after that day, hobi, suga and namjoon hyung are all acting weird. they won't even look at the meat while we're eating samgyupsal.

they ate the side dishes instead. then i realized that jeongguk probably killed his father in the most inhuman way possible. imagining it makes me even want to puke but i'm really curious as to how or what torture method did he use.

did he use that rat thingy? the one they called rat torture? or did he smeared honey on his face and tied him on the forest so the bugs will eat his flesh? millions of thoughts and imaginations are running on my imaginative brain.

now is december 23, two days till christmas and seven days till my birthday. i'm so excited since it will be my first christmas, birthday, and new year celebration with jeongguk.

and i'm also planning to eat a lot of food since i'm feeding me and my baby. two person means two servings. no wonder i'm getting fat.

"hey baby, i'm home." i heard jeongguk's voice from the door since i was watching some cartoons inside the living room. i got up in excitement and ran towards him, hugging him instantly.

"oof! careful there baby." he stated making me giggle. i missed his scent so much. i miss his everything even if he's only away for a couple of hours.

"missed you." i muttered, my voice was muffled since my face was smooshed on his chest. his manly scent is so intoxicating. i don't wanna let go ever.

"i missed you too baby bun. did you eat dinner?" he asked and i felt him pecking my temple, one thing i love about him. those gentle and soft acts never failed to make my heart flutter. everything he does makes my heart flatter.

even the way he is just standing there, looking good under everyone's eyes. i'm standing beside him claiming him as mine. i just don't want any other sluts looking at him. i'm the jealous type, as well as V. he's worst than me.

he might kill someone just by looking at jeongguk and i wouldn't know, for real.

"i won't eat without you, you know that." i stated and looked up at him, and placed my chin on his chest. in this close proximity i still can't see any imperfections on him. his scar, his doey eyes which looked innocent, his plump lips, his mole.

maybe because if you love someone, everything you see about them is pure perfection. no matter what he does or what he looks. i'm even wondering if he still thinks i'm pretty when i woke up. i'm probably more oily than a fried fish.

"naw baby you must be hungry. you wanna go eat first?" he asked sweetly. i smiled when he combed my hair, untangling the tangled ones.

"that would be wonderful. i made our head chef cook food. do you want to change first?" i asked when i noticed that he's still in his suit and shoes. and yes, he appointed a chef/nutritionist for us. he said he can't trust just anyone to make food for me.

he said he's also not at home all the time so it will be hard for him to cook for me so we decided to hire a professional. i trust him to always make good decisions that will benefit us both.

"hmm, later. i won't let my queen wait." he stated flirtatiously. i chuckled at his attempt and slightly hit his chest before deciding to remove his coat, i brushed my palms on his chest to his shoulder and down to his arms while doing so.

"this must be uncomfortable." i stated.

i can feel his smirk as i threw the kiton suit down to the floor. moving my fingers to his chest to undo a few buttons of his white dress shirt, just to the point where his chest was showing. just the sight of his milky white skin and masculine chest made me blush.

"what do you think you're doing, hmm?" he asked in a low tone. i chuckled and moved my hand to his skin, palming his chest and neck.

"i wanna mark you." i whispered. i licked my dry lips and looked up at him, now meeting his dark orbs that seems to lure me closer to him.

"in front of them darling?" he asked. i looked around and noticed a few butlers and maid were staring. i looked back and shugged.

"i don't care about them, i wanna mark you." i stated stubbornly. for some reasons i really want to mark him. i want to taste him and mark him and claim him as mine. i want them to know and spread the word. jeon jeongguk is mine, and no other creature will have him other than me and our child.

"you naughty little thing, come and bite daddy then." he whispered the last part which had me inching towards him. i unleashed the urge to hold him. i snaked my arms around his neck and pulled our lips in a hungry kiss.

i bit his lips in which resulted to him gripping my waist. i can taste the cigarettes on his mouth but it didn't bother me. because the sweetness is overpowering it.

"you smoked outside?" i asked in between the kiss.

"yeah." that's what he only replied before traveling his hands to my ass, gripping it hard that made me gasp. i didn't waste any more time and kissed down his jaw.

i felt him humming in satisfaction when i licked his spot which is just centimeters down his jaw and ear. he didn't just stood still but he also assaulted my ass, though i won't really call it assault since i love it.

i released a few muffled breaths as i marked his clear neck. the way he groped me only urged me to go on and have my treat. he was still very careful with his touch, he made sure not to hurt me.

"i-i made a lot daddy." i said once i was done. i leaned back and looked at where i marked him. it's very beautiful.

"that's a good boy." he praised and patted my temple. i chuckled and hugged him, he catched me instantly.

"thank you for the treat." i said before pecking his cheeks. i can see his genuine smile that's still so new to me everytime. he doesn't smile much before, and now that i see it i wan't to keep it to my eyes only.

"now let's eat okay?" he asked and i nodded. we made our way to the dining room so we could it already. tomorrow's christmas eve and i want to take him out to shop for gifts.

i thought a lot about what to give everyone. i have a lot of special people to give gifts. the kids, the hyungs, my brothers and friends. i feel like i have so many people who loves me and i'm so happy for that.

i didn't regret any of the decisions that i made before, because if that didn't happen then i won't be here by now. i'm just so happy right now.


there's literally so many idols here, maybe because i stanned too many of them lmao. but here's bts' age here, just so you won't be confused.

kim taehyung- 19 turning 20
jeon jeongguk- 26
park jimin- 21
kim namjoon- 27
kim seokjin- 28
min yoongi- 27
jung hoseok- 26

kim taehyung- 19 turning 20jeon jeongguk- 26park jimin- 21kim namjoon- 27kim seokjin- 28min yoongi- 27jung hoseok- 26

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