Their starting line

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Month 2:

This month, Felix and Izuku are taking any sort of useful material they can get their hands on and bring it to Mei's workshop while also doing their best to keep with the schedule.

"C'mon Izuku, pick up the pace a bit." Felix says with a box full of electronics in hand.

"I'm coming, quit your pestering." He says while holding his own box of scrapes, trailing behind. Let it be known a tired Izuku is a angry Izuku.

"Are you gonna tell me that new move of your or am I gonna have to guess, don't think I didn't notice you sneaking away during your quirk training." Izuku says to his brother, who smiles cryptically before back at him.

"Well it wouldn't be a good special move if yeah figured it out now would it." Felix responses, getting a groan in return. Recently he has been doing his own training with his quirk, trying to develop something.

"Just don't overwork yourself."

"*snort* Like your one to talk."

Month 3:

"Um, is it just me or is the beach like half done?" Felix questions, looking from the top of the sea wall and seeing near half of the beach cleaned up.

"What the heck have you two been doing?" Small might or Mr.Yagi in this form said while looking at our progress.

"I guess taking all those things to Hatsume sped up the timeline a bit." Izuku says looking at the beach.

"At the rate you guys are going you might finish it before the deadline. Well I have to go for now, I will check in with your progress in about a weeks time." Mr Yagi said while walking away.

"Okay then." Felix says turning to his brother who seems to be deep in thought.

"Ya ready?" Felix asks, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah lets go."

Month 4:

"So I was thinking...." trailing off, getting the attention of his brother and All Might, it is the afternoon and they are clearing some of the heavier items with All Might there as damage control.

"Can I clean the rest of the beach by myself?" He asked looking at the two.

"What brought this on young Midoriya?" Mr yagi asks looking at his successor.

"I guess I want to prove myself, so far I've always had help, and without it I don't know where I'd be right now." Izuku says looking towards the buildings in the area, close to the beach.

"So I want to prove to myself and to you that I can do it, I want to be a hero, I want to excel, I want to inspire, one that smiles in the face of danger, and make anyone feel safe!" Izuku says voice getting louder and louder.

"So uh yeah, thats why I want to do the rest alone." Izuku finishes, returning to his awkward self, realizing that he got lost in the moment.

"Pffffft, what the heck Izuku, you can't just give a speech like that and then turn awkward again before your done!" Felix cracks up, trying to stifle the laughter bubbling up inside of him.

Izuku just covers himself in his arms, thoroughly embarrassed as Felix cackles on his knees and All Might chuckles a bit. Needing to get there attention All Might buffs up for a second and karate chops Felix in the head stopping his laughter, "why mee?" Was his only response, before shrinking back.

"My boy if that is what you wish then you could have just asked no reason to worry so much." Small Might says, shaking his head at his successor.

"He's right, you could have just asked." Felix says while rubbing his head.

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