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Before me and Maddison could set ourselves in New York for the summer,we had one thing to do.We had to see Harry going away with the army.I know he is gonna come back but I needed to be sure.

We woke up in the day that Harry is supposed to go to wherever he is going.The breakfast was tensed.I know something is up but we will only know after this awkward breakfast.Things are already bad because Harry is leaving.

'Uhh,sir,we should get going to the base' Liam,an accessor says.Harry nods and we slowly make our way out of the palace.

We get in the base and Harry has to do some stuffs relation to giving orders or something like that,I didn't quite understand.

'You know,Harry is more calm now.He would go to every mission this country had' Kate says next to me.I don't know how she handles these stuff.I will have to learn how to be like that too.

'Thank God...I am praying since he told me he would go.' I answer.She nods and smiles.She probably must do the same.

'Mom,you were introduced to my teacher?' Maddison asks.Leia,Maddie's teacher of Princess classes will be going to NY with us.She is quite nice,I guess.I think she is away too formal.

'Yes,she is nice' I answer and Maddison nods bored.I know she is only doing this because Harry asked her to.The respect she has for her father is huge.

The time we all feared arrive.The goodbye or see you later.How I hate these stuff!

'Maddie,take care! Remember what we talked!' Harry says giving Maddie a tight hug.She hugs his tight too and he kisses her forehead.She lets go off him and mention something going to say bye to William.

Me and Harry just stare at each other for a bit.Then he pushes me for a kiss.I am trying my hardest to remember every single detail of it.He will be away for exactly 13 days plus the period he said he was needed meaning that he can be here for my birthday in 3 weeks.Let's pray for that.

'I love you,Alexandra' he whispers into my lip.

'I love you,Harry' I whisper back pecking his lips.We hug for what seems about two minutes.Froze this moment please and only unfroze it in 3 weeks.

We let go off each other and I say bye to William too.I put my arms around Maddison and Kate as we see the plane that they are in take off to I don't even know where.

'He will come back,Mom' Maddison says reading my thoughts.

'If they don't,we kill them' I say making them laugh.Still hugged on each other,we make our ways back to the car.That this three weeks flew by!

About a day later,me and Maddison are in our way to New York.We're lending in New York so we can pick Kim,North,Nash,Kendall and Kylie up so we can all head to Southampton.

I find a photo in my camera roll of me,Maddison and Harry in Maddison's birthday.I edit it and post on Instagram

"@khloekardashian - Be safe.We love you 💙"

I decided to put it as my home screen.I am so emotional these past few days that If I wasn't in my period,I would suspect I'm pregnant.Actually,I did the test and it was negative.So no high expectative.

We lend in New York and paparazzi were everywhere.The security team easily made us pass through everything.It was me and Maddison plus Leia and Liam that now I'll be our accessor.I like the kid.He is gonna have to keep up with the Kardashians.

It was weird how the paparazzi react with us.They were taking pictures but they were respecting us so much like If we were royals.Shit! I look at Liam and see him going through his iPad and talking on his phone.Whatever it is,I have a feeling I'll find out soon.

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