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You know that feeling you have that someone is watching you? Well,I have that feeling a lot because of the paparazzi but lately,I've been having this feeling that I am being watched constantly specially when I'm with Maddison.I know who is following me but how am I gonna call the ridiculous ginger that is stalking me if I don't have his number?

I made all the ways possible to leave London sooner with Maddison with the excuse she could see Nash sooner and make a surprise.Maddison being her all in love self decided to do it.

My mom,Kim,Kourt and Malika have been all over me saying I should give Harry a chance to be Maddison's father.They say that because they don't understand how it'll be for her! How it'll affect in her life and in Harry's life! Harry thinks it'll be all flowers but it won't! It definitely won't!

I got more and more anxious about it when last night Maddie and Nash were having dinner at Kourt's and Harry showed up as Scott's guest.He enjoyed the perfect moment,knowing I wouldn't be able to make it,to approach himself to Maddison.I so hate him for being the smart ass he is! The worst part is that Maddison likes him! She is talking nonstop about him and about he's gonna help her with the equestrian classes she's taking.

I need to talk to him.Normally,he looks for me but when I need to talk to him,I gotta figure it out.In old days,If I wanted to talk to him,I would simply go on a date with another guy.He used to show up right way,all jealous.I gotta admit I used to do that just to provoke him because he looked the cutest jealous.Now,I'll only do it because I really need to talk to him.I am in hope he'll eventually show up looking for an explanation and I'll turn the game in my favor.

I'm finishing get dressed when Maddison shows up in my room.She looks all simple but yet,stunning! Her eyes are highlighting from the heavy makeup and I can say it looks fantastic specially for her green eyes.Green eyes just like Harry's.

'Hey,Momma!' She says smiling

'Hi,babe' I say.I mess my hair a bit more giving a sexy look.

'You look smoking hot,mom! Are you going out?!' She asks sitting in the chair in front of me

'Yep...Just a casual dinner with a friend.' I explain putting my phone in my purse.

'Casual friend? French Montana is your casual friend now?' she says being a bit sarcastic.Shit,how does she know?!

'Who told you?' I ask leaving my room

'Uhh,Twitter...Looks like he tweeted about that' she says following me

'Uauuu,really?' I ask while getting downstairs

'Yep! Nash send me a screen photo of his tweet...Talking about Nash,we'll have a game night at Grandpa beach house and I might sleep there,okay?' She says and I turn around with my hands in the door.

'Sure...Just warn me whatever you are gonna do' I say kissing her cheek

'Sure thing,Mama hottie' she says making me laugh

'Maddie,we are gonna have that talk about Nash' I warn her referring to the 'talk'.I wanna know stuffs from my daughter life

'Mom! I already told you! Nothing happened!' she whispers so Rob can't hear it

'Yet! Nothing happened yet! anyways,bye!' I say kissing her cheek again and opening the door.

'Okay,Mom! Have fun on your date!' she says

'Not a date! ' I say getting in our garage

'It's not what French Montana is saying!' she yells from the house.

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