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We're in NYC.I love the NYC wheatear.We are going to Austin Mahone event tonight.He sent flowers to Maddison.Flowers! Not just flowers,peonies.Those are Maddison favorite.He's so into her and she doesn't even realize.It's gonna be fun to watch when they meet each other.
We are finishing getting dress to go to Dash NY.I am wearing a black dress and a jacket with my favorite boots.

'Let's go?' I ask to Maddison who is looking at the mirror.She is so gorgeous.She is wearing a skinny leather jeans and a sweater who has 'My fav is Khloe' and a Louboutin heels.

'How do I look?' She asks looking at me through the mirror

'You look divine,bitch...Let's take a photo' I pick my phone and she gets closer to me.She puts her arms around my shoulder and I take the photo.We pick our purse and meet Khloe and Kendall downstairs.We get in the car avoiding the paparazzis(which is impossible!) and go to Dash.Khloe has to solve some stuffs there and me and the girls just wanna see some new clothes.

When we get in Dash,there's a lot of paparazzi there.We get in the store and see that Khloe's best friend,Malika is here.We hug her and let her talk to Khloe in private.She seems to need that.We are going on the new collection when I look outside and see Austin Mahone leaving the car with Nash Grier.Ohh I told Maddison he had a huge crush on her

'Maddison,look who is here' I said pointing to the boys getting the store.Luckly,Kendall and I know both Austin and Nash.They come and hug us saying hi.Maddison looks shy.She is always shy when it comes to boys

'Uhh...Austin,Nash meet Maddison Kardashian...Maddie,meet Austin Mahone and Nash Grier' Kendall says.Maddison hugs then saying hi.Still shy.C'mon,Maddie,show your best Kardashian flirty side.

'Uhh,what two boys are doing in a girls store?' I say joking

'Our friend...her birthday is tomorrow and I don't have a clue in what give her.' Nash says

'So,you came for help?' I ask

'Actually we came to beg for help' Austin says

'So,how is this friend? So we can help pick up this gift?' Maddison says

'Uhh,she's a girl' Austin says.Flirty mood on.YES!

'Ohh,really? I meant what she likes? Or how she dresses like?' Maddison asks

'She uses dresses?' He says.This guy is such a flirt.

'You are hopeless' Maddison says laughing

'You have met me in 5 minutes and already know I'm hopeless' he says smiling.I look at Nash and he smirks.We nod what he's doing.

'Uhhh,Nash...I think there's a thing over there that I know Jordyn will love' I say pushing Nash and Kendall to the side letting the love birds alone.

'So,Kyles...We really need that dress for Jordyn.' Nash says.I pick one dress and give to him.Me,Kendall and Nash talk forgetting Maddison and Austin.

'Girls,Maddison asked to say she had to leave early...looks like she need to do something last minute for her clothes line' Austin says coming closer.

'But did you guys talk?' Kendall asks

'I guess so...I asked her number and she gave so...I think we're good.' He says

'She had to solve things for pacsun?' I ask

'No...for a new thing for Forever 21 if I understood well' he says.Forever 21? Maddie never mention anything for Forever 21.

We left together and Khloe said she was going to where Maddie was.I asked her about the Forever 21 thing and she said it's a thing my mom is working on and if she was called for a meeting it went right.It's still weird that Maddie never mentioned it to us.

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