XXV.|Last chapter|

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I just stand there in complete shock.That's what he was up to.

'You are so annoying...you'd only come up here after dinner.' Harry says and I turn around to see him standing there with hands in his pocket.

'But it's everything set up...' I manage to say confuse.

'I heard you threathing Liam...Kind sexy,I'll admit so change of plans.' He says walking to me.So,I managed to ruin my own proposal?

'Marry me,Alexandra...' He says showing me the ring.I smile at him and kiss him as an answer.

'So,is that a yes?' He asks breaking our kiss.

'You had me when we met at Hyde Park and you spilled ice cream on my favorite dress.' I say and he smiles.That's how we met.He is so Maddison's father.

'I love you,Alexandra and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.' He says slipping the ring in my finger.

'I love you,Harry...I am the one who can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you.' I say.He kisses me again and I can't help but smile into the kiss.I am marrying again and this time is for real.

'Awwwwn,that's so cute! I call dibs on braids maid.' I hear Kim's voice.I look around and see Liam holding a computer that it's set in a FaceTime with my whole family.

'Kim,stop,I am the braids maid.' Kourt argues and I look at Harry.

'GUYS,stop! I am so emotional right now! WE ARE HAVING A WEDDING!' Mom says holding her famous tissue cleaning her tears.

'Mom,stop.' I say and she cries even more.

'Typical.' Robert says making us laugh.

'Come home so I can jump on you twoooo!' Maddison says all happy

'You knew all along,right Maddison?' I ask my daughter.

'What? No!' Maddison and Harry say at the same time.We all laugh.Gosh,I cannot wait until we are all completely a family.

//Two weeks later.The Ellen show.//

Me and Harry announced our engagement to the British people a week ago.People are so excited,it scares me.Seriously,I am so scared.I have to organize a wedding in a royal level because I am gonna be ROYAL.Duchess of some place in UK just like Kate.I am kind of freaking out.

So,to promote the new KUWTK season and to give the American people aka my people some news on the engagement,me and Maddison are giving an interview to Ellen.Harry decided to just watch from home with Olaf and the rest of our family.

'Ok,you are on in 5' Ellen producer tells us.I nod and he leaves letting Joyce gives my make up the last touches.

'You are so hot,Mom.' Maddison says.

'I am nervous.' I confess her as we walk to the stage.

'What? No need...I am here for you.' She says picking my hand.

'Ok,we got this.' I say holding our hands tightly.I am so lucky to have the best daughter in the world.

We wait by the stage while Ellen does her thing and announces us.

'Now,straight from the United Kingdom Royal family,my favorite Kardashians...Maddison and Khloe Kardashian.' Ellen announces.We walk to the stage together and wave to the audience.We say hi to Ellen and sit down.

'Oh my God,girls,you look so gorgeous.' Ellen says and we smile.

'Thanks.' I say.I was never so nervous for an interview.

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