Chapter 9

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The past few days have been horrible for Tommy. Not being with Tubbo and Ranboo had made it worst. Not even Dream was being his evil self, he just spent his time with Fundy and George.

Tommy knew Dream was wrongin, not just because of what he did to him but what he does to everyone...

He would go back and forth between Fundy and George. They probably don't even know Dream does this. He manipulates everyone so easily.

Dream's smile will brighten anyones day and seem genuine but what's you see his true colors, you can see the evil intent behind that smile...

Tommy has seen it one too many times but somehow seeing Dream's bright smile made him happy during exilement. He knew that Dream wasn't being genuine but he was glad that his miserable and sorrowful life made someone happy, unlike Tubbo and Ranboo.

They haven't even smiled at him once for so long. Of course, Tubbo was ecstatic to see Tommy at first but the resentment came back.

Tommy had a flow of guilt shower over him. He was being a horrible person. He lashed out at Tubbo and Ranboo for no reason...just how Wilbur did...when he yelled at him...No... That's wrong...Wilbur was going crazy...

"No, I'm not...I'm not Wilbur...He's dead...I'm alive...I'm not crazy...He was..I'm not alone...He was...Philza didn't cry over me nor killed me...It was Wilbur..."

"Tommy, stop it".

Tommy turned his head to Technoblade. He had his vibrant pink hair down. It was beautiful and long. No curls. No split ins. No unevenly strands. It was straight and slick. It looked clean and soft like a pillow. He knew that his brother was obsessed with his hair but not this much.

Techno gave Tommy a cup of cocoa. He hated seeing Tommy like this. He was so unhappy. Not even Dream made him this way and he thought that Dream was the main root of this.

Techno and Dream didn't really see eye to eye sometimes but that had a stable friendship. Dream would help him and he would return the favor.The two gods both had the goals set on destroying L'manburg once and for all. Of course, Techno had every right to get revenge on L'manburg, they used him and betrayed his trust.

He did sometimes feel guilty for hurting his youngest brother. Even though he knows that Tommy by passed it. Technoblade cares for Tommy and would go out his way to protect him, but for everyone else, he had zero empathy for. They deserve everything coming to them including Tubbo.

Techno was somewhat conflicted. Dream had said something very astonishing and unbelievable to him earlier when they had met up. He's not really sure if he could tell Tommy. He knows how his brother gets when he is told something he doesn't or will probably not like.

"Technoblade...I pushed away both of my friends...I am a bad person"

"Tommy, you're not a bad person. What exactly happened?"

"I lashed out at Tubbo because I didn't want Ranboo to take him from me"

"Okay, maybe you are a bad person"

"Not. Helping. Technoblade"

"Alright. Alright"

Technoblade sat next to him and started to brush his hair. He stayed quiet thinking of what to say next. He stopped and looked at Tommy.

"Have you tried just apologizing?"


"Well, there's your problem"

Tommy sighed. He wants to apologize to Tubbo but then he would have to say it to Ranboo as well. Ranboo left him utterly disturbed especially at the fact that he told him that him, Tubbo, and Niki are all the children of Schlatt.

Tommy was lost in his thought before there was knock at the door. Technoblade got up to answer it and Tommy followed, wondering who it was.

Technoblade opened the door and Dream was standing right there. He had his intimidating clothing on. The only thing that made Tommy less frightened was the fact that Fundy was hooked onto Dream, clingly. Dream had his wrapped around him.

Tommy scuffed in his head. Dream just seemed to always switch between George and Fundy like shoes.

"Can I speak to Tommy? Alone. Just for a few minutes"

Techno hesitantly lets Tommy go and closes the door, keeping it unlocked. Dream, Fundy, and Tommy walked pretty far from the home to talk. Tommy gagged as Fundy and Dream share a passionate kiss before Fundy walked off indicating that he wasn't allowed to hear what they were about to talk about. Tommy was still gagging, it was like seeing your parents kiss in front of you.

He shooked it off and looked at Dream. Dream pulled up his mask and looked at Tommy with a stern stare. They were filled with anger and disappointment.

"Tommy, what the hell did you do to Tubbo?"

"It's none of your business"

"Tommy, what did you?"

"It's none of your business!!!"

"Tommy, what the hell did you do to my little brother?!!!"

Tommy went silent. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. The world and everything around him was blocked out. It was only Dream and him.

There was no way that Dream was Tubbo's brother. He wasn't just going to believe something like that.

"I don't believe you"

Dream glared at Tommy more. His eyes went from a vibrant neon green eyes to a pale yellow ones. They had a goat pupil in both. Tommy let out a frightened whimper. He looked down and teared up a bit.

"I didn't mean to hurt him. I let myself get out of control..."

"Yea, you really did. I shouldn't have to see my little brothers coming to me upset"

Tommy gasped and covered his face. Did he really upset them that much? He couldn't take it anymore. He wiped his tears and looked at Dream.

"Take me back"


"Take me back to my camp"


"Do it. You want to. I want you to. Take me back there"

Dream got up and thought for a moment. He smiled and chuckled.

"Why don't you come to the DreamSmp?"

Tommy's throat ran dry and his eyes widen. Dream actually asked him to join him? Before Dream didn't even want Tommy around the Smp. He grabbed his clothes tightly and smiled softlty.


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