Specail: Sanders Sides

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This is where things go down hill. So we're getting this book done now with just giving plot line for each section SPECIAL NO 2: SANDERS SIDES

Hi, this is Captain Fandom and I am here to tell you what's going on rn. Amora and I have lost motivation for the story, but I will be continuing it with a very small amount of help from Amora. Please enjoy the plot line for this special
Exposition: Zoé falls on Thomas's couch and Mei lands in the dark side castel. Mei is captured by Remus and Janus, Remus puts her in some *cough* revealing clothing. NIGHTMARE FUEL.
Rising Action: Light sides, Thomas, and Zoe figure out where the dark side castle is and they go into the mind palace to get Mei back. Zoe and Virgil go on the mission.
Climax: The duo is separated and Virgil finds Mei in the cell and can't get Nightmare Fuel out of her; he takes it with him, meets back up with Zoe and they get out of there.
Falling Action: Logan is able to get the nightmare fuel out and Mei has small hallucinations. This starts tension between the girls.
Now let's head to the next world. Buzzfeed Unsolved....

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