Chapter 20: Rescue and All for One

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3rd POV
Somewhere in Kamino Ward in a bar
"Tomura Shigaraki what's with the girl? I thought we were only supposed to take the boy, not some random girl," the mist known as Kurogiri said.

"And I thought villains were supposed to be brave, and not some crusty losers."

"Hush girl you're our prisoner." Shigaraki said.

"You do realize you know nothing about me, right? I'm not from here. You have no idea what I've done or what I can do. You might as well let me and the Pomeranian go cause I've been in wars, so don't try me," Zoé tells them.

Villains have never met someone so bold or with so much sass. Zoé started to summon fire. Which shocked everyone because she was wearing quirk canceling handcuffs. The League though because of the girls broken leg they would have an advantage against her. They were wrong. Fortunately they heard a man at the door saying he had pizza. It was All Might. Then grey sludge came out of the league's, Bakugou's, and Zoé's mouths transporting them somewhere in Kamino Ward. All for One was there standing in an open area surrounded by buildings.

"When Tomura said he would grab another person I didn't think it would be someone with a broken leg," He said.

"Yeah well, When I came to this universe I didn't think I would get kidnapped by a burnt chicken nugget, crusty, and now a baked potato man. Also just because my leg is shattered it doesn't mean I still can't kick ass. Also if you put me in the handcuffs they won't work!" Zoé yelled back.

Meanwhile with the rescue squad.

"Are you seeing this Midoriya? Zoé is mouthing the big bad off," Mei told the group excitedly while elbowing Midoriya.

Midoriya visibly paled at the mention of the villain king of the underground. Then All Might appeared. Kirishima had an idea to get Bakugou back while All Might distracted the villains. When they put the plan into action Mei dropped herself onto the battlefield. All Might gave the two girls a look that said to get out of there but they didn't leave because both girls knew that Truth sent them here to help the number one hero in his fight.

"Mei doesn't All for One remind you of someone we've met before?" Zoé asked her friend.

"Yeah, he reminds me of Father."

"Maybe Truth thinks he might become a threat to them. That's why we're here to stop him from becoming like Father."

The two girls looked and saw the men engaging in combat. Zoé shot flames at the villain. While Mei shot bullets. All for One knocked all might down and slowly walked towards the girls. He put his hand out like he was trying to steal a quirk, but nothing happened. This puzzled the man. Then he got two fists in his face that knocked him back. Astounded that two girls could slightly injure him he completely forgot about the holder of the quirk he so desperately wanted. All Might came behind him and knocked him away from the girls.

"You two shouldn't be here. You young miss have a broken leg. Please allow the heroes to take care of this," He said to them with worry in his voice.

"Yeah this isn't our first rodeo. Plus Zoé has fought on that leg multiple times," Mei told him.

"We were sent here to help you with this fight because All for One isn't only a danger to your world, he's a danger to all worlds and universes, so please you'll need our help." Zoé tells the hero.

With that they go back to fight All for One. He puts up a good fight, but in the end All Might and the girls defeat the biggest, baddest villain in the BNHA universe.

Time skip to after the fight in Recovery Girl's office at UA

It had been a few hours since the fight. All Might and the girls were brought to UA so that Recovery Girl could heal them. Zoé's leg was finally healed after going into six different worlds. Cody came by to see them. Apparently he was with Eraserhead and other pro heroes helping with evacuations. Tomura Shigaraki was still missing. Bakugou had been returned to his family, and UA was building dorms.

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