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Seventeen | New Year.

Boxing Day had passed, and Luna was now helping Shiori with the Christmas tree when she noticed that the operator was having trouble taking it down. While packing up, Luna's phone vibrated within her pocket, notifying her that she received a message.

Whipping her phone out, it was an invitation from Border for the Year-End party that is held annually. She has never attended it since she wasn't an official agent, but based on the invitation, she assumed that it was sent to all agents as it looked pretty standard.

Looking at Shiori typing on her phone confirmed her suspicions, so Luna asked, "Shiori-san, will you be going?"

"Yep! Are you-" Her words were interrupted with the ringing of Luna's phone, to which Luna apologized immediately and answered the phone.

"Hello! It's the Power Elite calling~!"

"Did you need something Jin-san?" Luna replied with a sigh.

"Mm? Just checking I you were going to attend the party for the first time."

"I will drop by since it is on the way, I have something I need to do at HQ." Luna replied nonchalantly, thinking that the party couldn't be that bad based from past experience of watching the party.

Luna then finished up the call shortly and went back to helping Shiori. Once they were done, they heard the entrance open up and familiar voices talking to each other. Yuma and the others had finally returned from their defense duties.

They were still talking about the party and Yuma seemed pretty excited to go since it was his first time going to the party. Others like Konami and Jin were used to going to the party so there wasn't a reason why they wouldn't go.

Plus, there was free food.


Everyone who attended had obviously dressed up while Luna just showed up in her usual clothes since she didn't really see a reason not to. However, Konami had words to say, "Luna, couldn't you have dressed a bit nicer? It's a party."

"Does it really matter, Konami-san? I'm not dressing to impress someone."

The moment she walked off after finishing up that conversation with Konami, Luna immediately regretted walking away because a crowd formed around her. They were all trying to strike up conversations with her and trying to give a present or two, but Luna did not understand why these strangers were trying to give her presents when they didn't know the first thing about her.

The moment she succeeds in her first escape, another agent would walk up to her and another crowd would form shortly. She gave up in the end, stood there and waited for them to leave.

Did Border always have this many agents?

Or does it simply look like there are a lot of them because they keep approaching me?

On the other hand, Jin was enjoying the show while Luna was suffering within the crowd. Yuma was also standing next to Jin watching the exact same view while he stuffed food in his mouth.

When Jin turned to see the view, he simply laughed and asked, "Yuma, why are you binge eating? Is there something wrong?"

"No, there isn't anything wrong." Yuma replied as he continued to stuff food in his mouth, not facing Jin.

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