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Eighteen | Her true identity.

After bidding farewell to Yuma and Jin as they decided to end the day, Luna watched the city lights fade away into darkness as society began to rest for the day. Truthfully speaking, she would have liked to spend a bit more time with the others since she was feeling a bit vulnerable after telling two people about her past, but they needed to rest.

Seeing as she wasn't going to have anything to do, she too, decided to get some rest although unnecessary. When she about to enter the building, the phone residing in her pocket buzzed and caught her attention.

Taking it out, Luna looked at the sender of the message, which she found odd.


'Luna, come to the Headquarters, there is something I would like to give you.'

Luna stood there, at the entrance to the building, racking her brain, trying to find an answer as to what Kido could have possibly owed her. Which of course, she was unable to turn up with an answer because she came to the conclusion that Masamune Kido owed her nothing.

However, it wasn't as if Luna could ignore this. Activating her Black Trigger and standing atop, she closed her eyes and used her Side Effect. After determining that there is no one around to see her using her Black Trigger, she jumped down from the building and deactivated her Black Trigger when she landed.

She then began making her way towards the HQ. Teleporting was indeed an option, but seeing as she had time to kill, she wanted to kill some time. It was needless to say that she kept her Side Effect on the entire time and was on guard based on her previous experience.

She always learnt from her mistakes, unlike someone else.

With 20 minutes of strolling, Luna arrived in the office where Kido was holding an envelope in his hand. The moment Luna had laid her eyes on the envelope, she immediately realized what this was about.

Kido had another letter that was written by the anonymous writer and kept it from her. This annoyed Luna to no end as those letters given to her was a source of comfort for her. It told her that she was saved and someone was watching her, no matter how far away.

"Since the New Year arrived, I thought it was finally time to give you this."

Luna took it politely, refusing to start an unnecessary argument with him. She asked in a slightly hostile manner, "Why didn't you give me this earlier? It's addressed to me."

"...There were several conditions that needed to be met before you received this."

"And what were they? Who wrote these letters?"


Once again, all Luna received in return was silence. She had hoped that she would receive an answer this year, or that was what she told herself every single year when a new year arrived. However, it didn't seem like the man in front of her was ever going to give her any kind of answer. She knows that the man holds the answer that she wants, or at least, he held some sort of answer that would give her a clue as to who she truly is. Any kind of information would have satisfied her, but she would never receive anything, even if she had threatened to put her own life in danger.

Meeting Yuma, Osamu-san, Chika-chan, Jin-san and everyone else in Tamakoma may have changed me slightly, but not knowing my true identity won't change the opinion about myself unless this man or someone else out there in the Neighborhood gives me some answers.

"...Trigger On. Teleport."

Just like that, Luna vanished in front of Kido and went back to her room in Tamakoma-shibu. She was faced with her uniform and the wall clock, which reminded her of the fact that she would be having school in a couple hours.

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