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Three | Orientation

"I did not risk my identity being blown just so you could give your Black Trigger away, even if it's for Yuma-san." Luna said to Jin, slightly annoyed when she found out that he traded his Black Trigger away in exchange for Yuma's acknowledgement as an official Border agent.

Luna had joined the battle in order to lend Jin a helping hand, although she didn't do much while she was just assisting Arashiyama-tai, joining the battle meant that she was risking her identity getting revealed. She didn't really care much about her identity being released to the public, but Kido Masamune was extremely insistent on her identity being hidden.

Who knows what could happen if she disobeyed his orders?

Not being allowed to leave the Border HQ might be the least of her worries then.

"I could have negotiated for you." Luna suggested, a rare offer coming from her.

Jin was lying down on his bed, she knew that Jin was somewhat upset about having to let go of his mentor's keepsake, but he shook his head and said, "Nah, I needed to. It's needed for the future, plus, at least Yuma will be safe now. Protected by the Border's rules."

Not quite understanding the former part of his reply, Luna sighed at the fact that what he said was true when it came to the latter. However, that wasn't going to be the only sigh that she let out when Jin said in an amused tone, "But it's nice of you to offer your help even when it won't benefit you in any way."

Fed up with the thoughts of Jin's continuous teasing, Luna made her way out of Jin's room to the common room before Jin could say anything else. It has been a few days since they filled up the application form for Tamakoma-shibu, and it was already the day of Official Enlistment. Chika, Yuma and Luna are supposed to go to the HQ today, for their orientation and tryouts. Osamu was also going to be tagging along since he had to go to HQ to finish up the paperwork in order for his transfer to Tamakoma to be official.

"Good morning." Luna greeted as she stepped into the common room, everyone still finishing up their breakfast before heading off.

Everyone returned the greeting and Luna went for a cup of water, feeling a bit thirsty. As she was about to sit down after getting her drink, she felt vibrations coming from her phone. Checking her notifications, it was Jin who sent her a message, whom Luna assumed that he just didn't want to leave his room right now.

'Remember to give it your best shot. But don't stand out too much, you need to limit your power.

Luna made another mental note once again even though he had been reminding her almost every single day and she was tired of it. However, she knew that Jin was just trying to look out for her, although she didn't really understand why when she was able to protect herself perfectly fine.

"Yuma, have you gotten used to Border's Triggers yet?" Shiori asked Yuma.

"Yep, fighting with Konami-senpai has been really helpful." Yuma replied with his signature duck face as he finished up his breakfast.

Luna thought back to all the training that her teammates did in order to become a trainee without difficulty. With the help of the only squad in Tamakoma-shibu, she's able to say without hesitation that they have improved quite a bit. Luna doubts that Yuma or Chika would struggle during the training.

"You ready for today, Luna?" Yuma asked.

"Yes, I was just deciding how much to hold back." Luna replied nonchalantly.

She thought about it, and to be honest, going in and fighting as a person with average trion capacity would be perfect in any normal situation. But she was a Tamakoma agent, and it wasn't as if Yuma and Chika would be told to hold back for the same reasons. Moreover...

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