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Four | Forbidden and School

Luna was currently staring at the screen that stated that Yuma had won a ten-round mock battle against Midorikawa Shun. The final scored shown on the screen was 2-8, with Yuma winning by a large margin. Through assumption and deduction, Luna had guessed that he was pretending to lose in the first two rounds in order to get his opponent to underestimate him. Once Midorikawa begins to underestimate him, he will most likely start feeling frustration when Yuma snatches a point for him. Ultimately, Midorikawa will start to show gaps in his fighting style, allowing Yuma to counter.

She was planning to get some points through fighting the trainees when she saw a verbal fight going on, thus deciding to watch the fight from afar when it happened. When she noticed Jin stepping into the hall from the corner of her eyes, she headed down since Jin motioned her to go over.

"Kido-san wants to see you guys." Jin announced.

Why would Kido-san want to see us all of a sudden?

Luna looked at the directions of where Yuma was coming out from and headed over to the group. Osamu, who was relieved that Yuma won had also walked over with Yotaro. Before they could head to the meeting room where they were summoned, Midorikawa saw Jin and ran over to him like a little child. Ever since Midorikawa had enrolled into Border as an agent, Luna knew that he was a fan of Jin, being Midorikawa's whole reason of joining Border when Jin saved him from being attacked by a Trion Soldier.

Midorikawa then apologized to Osamu for humiliating him on purpose, in which Osamu said that it was okay since he was starting to feel overwhelmed by the exaggerated rumour of the mock battle he did was Kazama when it was only a tie after 32 tries instead of getting a tie from the get-go.

Once the misunderstanding was resolved, Jin asked Yuma on the way to the meeting room, "How was Shun? Was he tough?"

"Yeah, he was strong. I think he's someone who will continue getting stronger."

When Jin asked Osamu the same question, his reply was very much different, "I couldn't read his moves at all throughout the whole battle... He didn't seem to have any consistency like Kazama-senpai."

Luna had a hunch about it, but after hearing Osamu's reply, she concluded that Osamu's fighting style leaned more towards strategizing than being the person who takes all the hits in the frontline. She could definitely understand why Yuma insisted on Osamu being the captain of the group.


"Luna, I need to talk to you for a minute." Kido called out to Luna after the meeting was adjourned. Yuma looked at Luna, asking her silently if she wanted him to stay with her. After watching the rest of her teammates leave the room when she declined his offer, she walked over to Kido and had a talk.

Well, it wasn't really a talk. It was more of a one-sided demand and command, with Kido telling her, "You are forbidden to fight during this large-scale invasion."

The reason that they were called up to the meeting room was because Jin had a vision of Mikado City being invaded by Neighbors. The higher-ups wanted Yuma and Replica to provide the information that they had on the neighbouring planets and plan a counterattack plan.

"Not even if the situation is dire?" Luna asked.

"No. If you do, I'll kick you out of Border. You're an official Border agent now, I expect you to follow the rules and the orders given to you." Luna shut her mouth and gritted her teeth. She wanted to fight back and try to get him to agree even if there would be a compromise, but something told Luna that no matter what she said, he would never change his mind.

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