⁰⁶ 21 questions

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"so i'm smoking one of the fattest blunts, thinking that because of the intense training we just had, i didn't have class. then my friend calls and he's like «bro you gotta get your ass to class the teacher is not having it with you» so i'm like okay whatever i don't even feel high, my tolarace is good i can go sit in class for a few hours. but when i'm about to leave, i see my eyes are super red"

"oh no..." komaki laughs then goes back to sipping her drink.

"but in my stupid fucking fifteen year old mind i'm like just grab some shades and go. so i get to class, sit down and right away shitty deku come up and starts talking to me about some heros... or, maybe if was about our grade? doesn't fucking matter. but you know when you talk to deku for so long and his voice turns high and into like a..."

"high pitched buzzing" komaki and bakugo say in unison

"yes exactly!" komaki passed the blunt to bakugo and continued to speak while exhaling smoke. "i've said it before and everyone just called me a bitch but it's like a little fly in your ear that won't shut up. don't get me wrong i love midoriya but god can he be annoying." bakugo laughed and took one last hit before passing the blunt back to komaki.

"he just keeps talking and talking and i'm just trying to ignore him till i finally snap. i turn around and just start yelling. «cant you see i'm not in the fucking mood to talk to you» shit like that. and while i'm going off a teacher walks in and out of all the teachers in that big ass school it just had to be aizawa."

"oh my lord"

"when i tell i have never seen this man so mad. he was yell saying how he heard me from down the hall and how i never control my anger and that he was "sick of it". so he sent me to the principals office." baukgo sighed "to make a long story short not only did i have to take anger management courses for a month but the rat saw i was high as fuck and i got suspended." he pushed his hair back, and seemed a bit ashamed of his teenage self.

"oh my god." komaki repeated again and broke out into a fit of laughter. "well it doesn't look like those anger management classes worked anyways" she murmured

"the hells that supposed to mean?" bakugo turned to face her, sending one of his death glares.

komaki put the backwoods to her lips and inhaled. she then blew the smoke tauntingly in his face and lowly spoke. "you just proved my point"

she tried to break the tension she caused by clearing her throat and looking away. "well this taste like shit now, should i roll another?"

he just responded with a nod. bakugo sat back and watched komaki while she rolled their third shared blunt. she split the blunt and dumped out the tobacco before breaking up the buds of weed. she placed them on the leaf and rolled it up, stuffing more weed on the sides whenever some would spill out.

bakugo snickerd "fatass blunt"

"you gotta problem with it?" she asked.

bakugo threw his hands in the air in surrender. "nah. who taught you how to roll? you're pretty good at it."

he watched komaki lick and fold over the ends then crisped the blunt. "a friend" was all she replied with.

katsuki hummed in approval "let's play 21 questions"

"god what is this? junior high?" komaki laughed and shook her head.

"do you have any better ideas?"

"well i guess not. you clearly have somethings you wanna ask me so i guess we can play. pass me my food and here- you light this" komaki passed bakugo the new blunt and in return he handed her the mcdonald's bag.

"backwoods, swishers, or like dutches? what's your favourite?" bakugo said while blowing out smoke.

"hm... probably swishers, i grew up smoking them so it kinda stuck. when did you start smoking weed?"

"summer going into first year so i was like fourteen i wanna say. what's your quirk?"

"it's called seraph. which basically means angel wings made of fire."

"you're an angel?"

she laughed "oh definitely not." she sent him a small wink that only made bakugo chuckle in response. "but if you're referring to my quirk, the wings are actually white java doves and fire but don't angel wings of fire just sound better?"

"i guess you're right."

she looked like she was thinking of a question while taking a hit but soon that look of thought was replaced with a smirk. "how many bodies do you have?"

"oh so that's how you wanna play huh?"

"don't get mad at me you picked this game. now answer the question."

he laughed hysterically and threw him head back "5. where's the nastiest place you've done it?"

"a classroom. what's your favourite position?"

"anywhere i'm on top. now in that classroom, did it happen to be with a teacher or?..."

the questions were asked and answered within a matter of seconds, never dwelling or judging what the other said. the smoke in the hotboxed car continued to circulate around the car while they asked each other questions. till komaki asked her questions that would soon end the game. she leaned over the armrest, getting ready to ask the question that she couldn't help but have on her mind.

"would you fuck me right now?"

bakugo searched her face for any doubt but was only left with his eyes flickering down to her full lips.

"fuck yeah" he breathed out

"then do it already."

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happy new year!! i smoked a blunt before writing this cause ya know, i'm committedsorry if the writings shitty i was high asfksjskjsjjs anyways komakis quirk will make more sense in the future chapters

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