¹¹ "hey maki? um..."

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─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.🌳 .* :☆゚───────

komaki reluctantly opened her front door but regret hit her fast when she was met with the devil herself

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komaki reluctantly opened her front door but regret hit her fast when she was met with the devil herself.

"what the hell took you so long" the girl on the other side of the door snapped.

in front of komaki was a dark skin girl who stood at a mere 5'3. her curly black hair was drenched due to the heavy rain outside, causing small curls to stick to her face. she wore a pair of black leggings with and oversized hoodie that let her black wings stick out from her back, they were also soaked. resting on shoulder was a duffle bag, it looks like she was almost shivering due to the cold.

komaki sighed, "jesus, what the hell are you doing here rina?"

rina ignored her question and pushed her way past komaki, letting herself in. she dropped her duffel bag on the ground, then slipped off her wet sneakers. "what were you even doing? i swear i was waiting forever"

"i sad what are you doing? do your parents even know you're here?" komaki pressed the palm of her hand against her left temple, something she did when she was visibly stressed.

"i needed to get away okay?! god! it's just so suffocating at home. everyone expects me to blindly devote my life to training all day when i don't even want to be a hero. i swear this family is gonna send me to an early grave. so i left."

"why didn't you go to rumi's?"

"out of town. again."

komaki panicked, she knew if rina saw bakugo she'd push and push for answers and it's kinda hard to tell your little cousin hey this is the guy i buy illegal drugs from. oh ya and we have casual sex.

"you can't keep running away here, your parents will stop trusting me"

"so? you're grown?"

"i'll never be grown enough for you to pull this shit, don't try me rina." komaki took out her phone and dial a number. "hi auntie... yeah rinas here, no of course i didnt know she was coming..."

rina didn't want to overhear the conversation so she walked to the main part of loft. she already knew what her mom was gonna tell komaki, that rina needs to focus, rina needs to train, and that her "bad behaviour" was unacceptable, it was what she'd already been told countless times before. going to UA was already stressful enough. it was a competitive school that prided itself on raising some of the top hero's in all of japan, but now with this new group of villains on the rise everyone was on edge. endeavor was doing a good job keeping them down but the question always lingered, who was next after him? and while rina was only 16, the world had their eyes on her for the long list of heroes in her family before her. one of which included the number 3 hero, her older sister, mirko.

when komaki hung up the phone she ran after rina and into the living, but bakugo wasn't there. he probably left through the balcony, thank god.

"do you have anything to eat? i'm starving"

komaki let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding, "i think i have some leftovers in there. your parents said you can stay the night but you have training at 9am tomorrow, so i have to drive you back first thing. did you fly here?"

"yeah i did, my god they're seriously still making me do that? i literally ran away and they still won't give me a break." rina put some chicken and rice she got from a container in the fridge, on a plate then put the plate in the microwave.

"it's raining pretty hard out there, you sure you're okay? not tired or anything?"

"all i'm tired of is my parents shit"

komaki took a seat next to rina on the chairs next to the island. "rina i'm serious. when i was your age the tiniest bit of wind threw me off, so flying from musutafu to tokyo in the middle of a thunder storm is impressive but also- a bit worrying. and i thought you loved school? what's going girl?"

rina sighed, "i know i thought i did too but now i hate it. it's just non stop training and i feel like i'm suffocating. they want me to "be the best" but i'm already top of my class and just when i think i've done something well, something they'll be proud of, like winning the school festival it just makes my parents and everyone else want more. now the hero license exam is coming up and everyone is expecting me to do amazing, that this is "the first time they'll see what i'm like as a true hero" but deep down i don't even think i want this anymore maki." the more rina explained her feelings the more her voice broke "and i spent 30 hours in the weather simulator last week, that's how i got so good" she chuckled in an attempt to keep the conversation light but tears were already spilling from her eyes.

komaki couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor girl. she loved her family but she knew how hard it was growing up with the weight of their legacy on her shoulders, but god rina was better than her and miruko were at 16, so she really could only imagine.

"i know how you feel riri, it's a lot or pressure. you feel like everyone's always judging you and if you slip up you'll disappointed them all?" rina nodded and wiped the tear that slipped from her eye. "but i'm not and i'll never be disappointed in you, ever. you're doing so well and i'm so proud of how far you've come. you have an assured future as a hero but that's only if you truly want it, okay? in the meantime, you wipe those tears and get some rest cause we have a busy day of catching up to do tomorrow. now, if you excuse me have to call your parents and let them know you'll be stay with me this weekend, for a well deserved break."

rina wiped her tears and smiled "thank you maki. hey so tomorrow, can we go shopping? there's this dress i wanted at the mall but i'm broke so i was thinking-"

"don't push it i can still take your ass home. and go change out of those wet clothes please, your wings are dripping water everywhere" komaki said before walking up the stairs to her bed room.

rina was already feeling a lot better. it was nice to know that someone cares about you beyond what you can do with your gift and komaki always cared. when rina finished eating she hopped down from her chair, washed her plate and grabbed her duffel bag to go change in the washroom.

"hey maki" rina called downstairs "um why is the number 5 hero in your bathroom... shirtless?"

oh shit komaki thought to herself.

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black history month so you know i had to update! i just know y'all are gonna hate me cause this is all filler, i'm sorry more smut will be coming soon😩😩
but what is all this "i'm here from tiktok" ??? WHAT TIKTOK-

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