⁰⁴"who are you texting?"

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─────── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─────── ・ 。゚☆: *.🌳 .* :☆゚───────

"all might would crush endeavour in a fight"

"no way you see how strong endeavour is" denki replied to kirishima.

the group of six (kaminari, kirishima, sero, mina, jiro and bakugo) had gathered at mina's apartmet planning on all studying for a huge hero course exam they had tomorrow. but once the group became restless, they started watching movies, and eating snacks. currently men in black was playing in the back, which was the alternative choice to notebook, but of course bakugo wasn't going to watch a soppy romance. while the group somehow ended up arguing which pro hero's would win in fights.

"well when is this fight taking place? peak all might like before his retirement? cause then he'd obviously win, and we all know current all might doesn't stand a chance i mean he's been out of it for almost 3 years." mina added before she took a sip of her drink.

"yeah thanks to bakugo" denki teased but bakugo didn't reply, he didn't really look like he was paying attention.

jiro chuckle "well let's say peak all might vs current endeavour" she said and threw a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

"well then obviously endeavour!" denki yelled with his arm draped around jiro's shoulder

"theres no way! endeavour used to look up to all might, sero could you please back me up here?"

"uhh sorry kiri, i'm gonna have to side with denki on this one. just look at how far endeavour has come."

kirishima kissed his teeth "well bakugo must agree with me, isn't that right bro?"


the group looked over to the explosive boy who was being awfully quiet right now, only to be met with his head hanging down while he typed into his phone


"huh... what do you want now shitty hair.?" he grumbled.

"wouldn't endeavour beat all might in a fight?"

"i don't fucking care idiot!"

the group went silent. bakugo wasn't one to be on his phone a lot, actually he hated it especially others ignored him for the small peice of technology. so to have him sitting i front of his friends, blatantly ignoring them was a bit hypocritical. the five teenagers looked among themselves in the silence giving each other looks that said "are you gonna say something or should i?"

"bakugo who are you texting?" mina finally spoke.

"mind your own fucking business."

the group went quite again and mina made a firm nod at the three boys. in a flash, mina grabbed bakugos phone from his hand and before he could react, the three boys held back his arms.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?! give me my phone back!"

"ooo bakugo whos (228)-890-2732?" jiro chuckled while mina looked over the bakugos phone in her hand.

"i don't care I need to see you so just stop being difficult," mina read the more recent text from the mystery number out loud

"shut the fuck up!" he yelled

"hey lemme see!"

jiro turned the phone so the boys who were still holding bakugo back could see.

"damn bakugo you ignoring us for chick?" "yeah who is she"  the boys spoke and the whole group laughed, except bakugo

"none of your fucking business shitty hair! now give me my phone back before i blow all you idiots up!"

"we should text her back!"

"what about-" jiro started typing while the blonde boy continued to scream in the background. jiro showed mina the text and she shook her head no before taking bakugos phone and typing in her own message.

"how does ok fine whatever sound? seem like bakugo?"

"yeah" denki nodded with an laugh

"don't you dare send that. i'll kill you bitch, ill kill all of you!"

bakugo had had enough. he began to set sparks off with the palms of his sweaty hands. to his luck, the spark hit kaminari's hand that was holding font bakugo and it was just hot enough for him you yelp and pull his and off, freeing bakugos shoulder. he quickly spun around, push away kirishima and sero in the process. "mina hurry!" jiro tired to block his path but when bakugo came charging at her with his had around up and ready to give her a blast to the face, she stepped aside in defeat. mina quickly threw the phone to bakugo and made a quick break for the other side of the room where the rest of the group was sitting.

"did you do it-"

"mina i'm gonna fucking kill you!" bakugo yelled. he began to stomp over to the couch where she was sitting. blast igniting from his hands that mad mina scream and try to hid under a blanket, like that'd protect her.

"i fucking told you," bakugo began to rant while still lighting flames "no i fucking told ALL of you to give me back my fucking phone and no one-" a soft ding made him stop and look down at his phone that he'd put in his pocket.

"ooo is that her?" sero asked but was only met with a swift blast to the face that sent him stumbling back.

k ty see you in a bit babe :)

bakugo started down at the text "well i can't tell her no now right?" he thought to himself. he could feel his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink at the thought of when komaki first call him babe with her sugar coated tongue. he sighed and typed out one final text before picking up his hoodie.

"where you going?" mina asked

"where the fuck do you think i'm going?"

"you're actually gonna see her?!"

"i don't have a fucking choice" he lied though gritted teeth and stormed out of the house only to be met with harsh thunder and lightning.

the only thing was that he didn't know if he was lying to his friends or himself.

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