say goodbye

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Izuku pov-

It was the weekend and I had my first- well second spy case, a bunch of heros are going to be coming together for a gala, I'll be going as a plus one for hawks who is working with us by my side as a get in guy, my hair is calve length brown with orange highlight.

"I'm in position, no one can hear our use there quirks" I say giving everyone code to move in. We put the anti-quirk serum in all of the condiments, I watched as poor hero fat gum slowly lose his form. I grabbed a silent pistol and began shooting everyon who had yet to take a drink, everyone but hawks, he left early due to a 'stomach bug' he even puked infront of everyone. "Birdboy everyone's been shot, your up." I say to kai, all of the sudden people gets separated in random colmes.

I went to pro hero Magma lady and poured liquid nitrogen in her cell black, it filled to the rim and ended up drowning her while it froze. I took my wig of revealing a brown and violet short cut wig, i took off all my cloths knowing I was being watched by hari and kai, along with my parents, I was finally only in boxers. I put on another black dress that had a v cut in the chest area revealing the silicone yet realistic breast I had from a side, the dress flowed to my ankles. I put on black heels and a diamond necklace, with earrings.

"Arrowhead phase two done, phase three is need." I say, all of the sudden my cloths sink in the floor and I was in my own cell block, the lights flickered before turning off. I heard people grunt and things break, I quickly grabbed my uzi and got ready. "In this block we have pro hero Magma lady, she will come with us and we will take her quirk and give it to a very special mistress of our boss, if you don't comply I want the addresses of all of your bunkers and pass codes." A minion said, they did as told from what I can here from the scratching of the pins. "Great, now." I heard kai say, I was revealed finally, everyone gasped. "Say goodbye." I said shooting everyone, all shots went across everyone's body.

"Have fun in the hospital heros~" I said, my voice was in a different tone then usual, I walk out there kai by my side linking arms with me, we shoot everyone one in this party, lucky for us we got out with out being followed.

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