ꕥ Chapter Thirty-Four

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Jeno fiddled with his fingers as he entered the floor his boyfriend was assigned at, Mark and Renjun were behind him and then stopped.

"Can you guys come with me?" He asked getting nervous with his tail now laying low. He's terrified.

The other two sighed sadly, "we can't, we'll wait right here yeah? Jaemin will be furious if he sees Mark. And I think it's better if you two are left alone for this." Renjun said.

Seeing how Jeno didn't even move an inch to open the door, Mark pats his head softly. "Don't be scared okay? It's better to tell him what exactly happened. He must've saw half of the story but not the full."

With a small scratch under his chin, the cat hybrid nodded slightly before opening the door as Haechan just walked out at the same time.

The beta smiled at him softly patting his shoulder, "good luck okay? We'll be right out here," he whispered to reassure the terrified blond.

The cat hybrid gulped and slowly went in as the door closed. He almost smiles at the sight of his boyfriend, but remembered that the elder is angry at him.

He trembled a bit, the room was engulfed by Jaemin's strong campfire and pine tree scent, it was intimidating.


"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jaemin cuts him off abruptly pausing his hand that was gripping on his pen and stands up to walk over to the younger.

"I-I needed to explain what happened," Jeno stammered feeling more scared and nervous as the elder's scent grew stronger especially by the distance between them.

The brunet scoffed sarcastically, "I saw what I saw. If you're going to say you were drunk then that's bullshit, that's not an exact excuse you cheater." He hissed.

The blond bit his lip and teared up, Jaemin isn't even letting him explain. And that just frustrates him, mostly to himself. This was his fault.

"B-but I didn't–"

"For fucks sake Jeno! You and Mark were on each other last night and you got caught. Just admit it already and fucking leave! I don't want you here or anywhere near me, you slut." Jaemin yelled.

The cat hybrid whimpered with tears now streaming down his cheeks, tail laying low on the ground hitting his ankles while his ears were flat on his head.

"Oh now you're fucking crying? Because what? I finally caught you?" The elder said sarcastically. "I knew there was something between you and Mark, I just never thought you'd be such a whore for him when you already have a family."

Jeno lets out a small sob before gripping on to Jaemin's suit, "b-but that–" he tries to say before–

He yelped and backed away, he reaches his palm against his cheek and felt some sticky liquid gushing out of his skin as he hissed.

He looks up slowly with his pupils shaking as well as his body, trailing his eyes down seeing how his boyfriend's hands had claws.

Jaemin just scratched him.

He meets the elder's eyes that were dark red, Jaemin was furious. The latter growled at him making Jeno realize he's hostile now, and he then processed everything.

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