ꕥ Chapter Thirty-Five

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"He took them," Jaemin murmured when they sat on the couch as the house now felt- there was something (or someone) missing.

"Who?" Haechan asked looking around dumbfounded as Jisung rolled his eyes at him smacking the back of his head. "Ow!"

"Hyuntae and Hyejin," the brunet answered his friend's question nonetheless. "Jeno took them and left me with Hyunjoon, just because he doesn't want our family to be completely- apart."

"It still sort of feels and looks like it though," Jisung said looking at the elder in pity.

"I know."

Hyunjoon was taking a nap in the triplets' shared room, it's sort of his now for the time being of whatever feud their parents are having.

It took more than usual to make him fall asleep, kept whining and crying for his mother's name as the last time he saw the cat hybrid was earlier this morning with his other two siblings.

"Is it true?" Jaemin asked looking up at his friends who decided to have the heart to come over even though this situation is really fucked up.

"Is what true? I slept on the floor because Renjun thought I was taking that bitch's side at the grocery store last week?" Haechan guesses quite straightforward.

"No," the elder alpha sighed rolling his eyes. "What Mark said yesterday in my office before storming out, was all of it true?" He repeats gulping audibly.

"Ohhh~ that true, got it," Haechan drawls pointing finger guns at the brunet whilst clicking his tongue for sound effects.

Jisung then snickered at the beta, "you took someone else's side against your own mate?" He sneered earning a glare.

"Shut up,"

"Guys!" Jaemin finally stopped talking in a murmur after processing what happened and just used his alpha voice to get their attention.

"Can you fucking listen and focus!?" He growled eyes turning red and fingers growing claws, almost turning into his werewolf form.

The other two just stared at him trying to observe the angry alpha's state. Taking mental notes as they blinked at him, hell even Haechan seemed unbothered.

Probably because it's normal for them to see now, since years ago.

"We will," Jisung said almost the same alpha tone as Jaemin's but held back. He doesn't want to rile the elder up than he is already as much as he's annoyed with this.

Haechan nodded agreeing to the younger alpha before humming, "calm down first."

"I am calm!"

"No you aren't, have you seen yourself when you're angry Jaemin? That's what I've been wondering." The beta said nonchalantly not even scared.

Yes, alphas are very scary when they're angry, they get hostile and have not much control over themselves unless they're properly trained and taught.

Jaemin is like that, even though Jeno has had made him feel reassured and gave support with the same amount of patience and love. Jaemin is still not halfway there.

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