ꕥ Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Time skip because I'm a lazy ass

Jeno chuckled softly watching Hyejin in her cat form running around the trimmed grass as it was sunny outside.

The little girl cat hybrid is now 4 years old, she still doesn't know how to control her transformation properly. Thus why she's in her cat form right now.

Her brothers, Hyuntae and Hyunjoon, were busy at the sand pit nearby playing with their toy trucks rather loudly, considering of the weird noises they make.

Chenle and Jisung were over at the Na residence, though don't get confused because Jaemin and Jeno aren't married yet, atleast.

The beta and alpha duo had came over to visit as it was Jisung's day off, meanwhile Chenle brought more gifts to spoil Jeno's children.

"I told you not to buy more toys Lele, they already have two toy chests in their bedroom keeping the other gifts that you bought," Jeno said mixing some grape juice.

The beta snorts, "I can buy another toy chest for my other gifts too if you want," he joked earning a tsk from the elder.

"I can't believe the triplets know how to walk around now, it was like yesterday they barely knew how to crawl," Jisung comments watching Hyejin run around and stop to see a lady bug on the flower.

The lady bug flies away once the little hybrid sniffed the plant as Hyejin meowed lightly trying to catch after the bug with her tiny paws.

"They grew up fast," Chenle hums helping Jeno finish up the snacks for the triplets. "Are you sure Jaemin took out all the cat nip outside?" He chuckled glancing at the only hybrid out of the triplets.

The blond omega laughed, "yes Lele, I'm sure Nana has got them all. I've scolded him many times before when Hyejin had took her first steps towards me, pretty sure he had enough of my nagging."

"Or maybe he was just bitter because all the kids had their first steps towards you instead of him," Jisung chuckled imagining Jaemin's bitter face.

Jeno laughed at his statement, not telling them it was actually accurate as Jaemin did get sulky when the triplets walked towards the omega while they didn't even acknowledge him.

"By the way, how are you and Mark doing?" Chenle asked opening the fridge as the mother of three kids had instructed him to get some fruits.

Jeno raised a brow at the question, "what do you mean? Mark and I are fine, but why ask that?" He chuckled lightly as a habit when feeling a bit awkward about something.

The beta shrugged his shoulders, "nothing, it's just that you two have that bond you know?" He said earning a weird look from his friend while his boyfriend pace palms.

Jeno paused for a moment before sighing, "is this about Jaemin and Mark hyung's non existent competition about me?" He guessed halting his actions on cutting some apples.

Chenle pursed his lips, "maybe?" He drawls scratching his neck awkwardly avoiding the omega's sensitive gaze at him after he found out.

"Are you guys assuming Mark and I have a fling going around? Look, we're just friends and we don't have anything between us except friendship. We're not fooling around behind Jaemin's back and I'm not cheating on my alpha." Jeno said angrily.

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