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Chapter one

Delving into more research for what my powers could mean was extremely infuriating. I had never cared for anything quite as much as I did about this topic. It had taken months for me to find a book that had even had the knowledge of wether Helga had married into the Hufflepuff or wether she was born a Hufflepuff or wether Salazar had been British or Irish.
        After many hours in the school library I had come across a book that seemed to have an astonishing amount of information on the Hufflepuff lineage. When I started my reading of the Hufflepuff family tree and noticed a disturbing amount of death in the Hufflepuff lineage. I do not say this in the sense that the members of the family had been death prone, I meant this in the sense that many had either committed suicide, purposefully taken another life or had accidentally taken another life (most commonly from charm making gone wrong).
       Quite disturbingly I had found that the murderers in the lineage had been known for killing another in they're own family usually being a parent or sadly a child. I had been surprised to find such a dark history on a bright witch who had been known for her kindness and warmth and was curious on her upbringing.
        The page suddenly transformed into a gigantic family tree it was quite curious almost as if the book had read my mind and answered my wishes. I was shocked but read through the family tree anyways (I had chosen to first finish reading the book and then ask a professor about the book just in case the book be confiscated by the headmaster or worse the ministry). Looking back at the memory I think of how comically I must of looked to the new librarian Madam Pince especially when she saw my jaw drops after I had read that the Hufflepuffs had a relation to the Morrigan who was known as the goddess of death and guardian of the dead and sometimes viewed as the birth goddess and the death goddess. After looking at the family tree I'd like to take a guess and say she had fallen in love with a mere mortal man and the mortal man meant to soon fall into to death had instead fallen into love.
        I had been delighted to see I had come from such an incredibly strong lineage and to find that I had somehow had some type of power that must've been related to the Morrigan herself. My eyes had lit up when the pages in the book that sat on my lap had folded into itself and slowly appeared once more with a completely different topic, this topic talking much about the Morrigan.
        Though interested in the topic I was still curious on how the book was able to change itself and my answer was quickly answered when the book once again changed. This time the writing in the book had seemed to have been written by hand, the page with the eloquent handwriting said:

"I thought it wise knowing your disdain for research that I make you a book of all books where one simply wishes what to read and comes  across it like magic, only your families eyes and I can it respond to.
-your very best most trusted confidant Ro Ravenclaw "

My lips curled, I had a book that had been gifted by one of the brightest witch in magic history and know one would ever know (or so I had thought). I was sad to have been interrupted by Lucius (an acquaintance of mine) who had been looking over my shoulder curiously. He had asked me why I had been smiling at a book about food related charms I answered simply by chuckling and asking him to walk with me to the great hall for dinner.
        When I entered I sat down next to January Bones and Amos Diggory and immediately dug in. I was told that it happened out of know where and I had seemed calm before I suddenly started to shake and convulse. Lily informed me that I was turning pale and my eyes were rolled and that many had screamed and yelled before professor Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey had quickly taken me to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey later informed me that I was convulsing so much she wanted to take me to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries but the headmaster has talked her out of it and instead suggest the draught of peace potion instead. When I had woken up the next day I remembered nothing of convulsing and shaking, but I quite clearly remembered the Morrigan

When she appeared in the darkness of my mind to warn me of the deaths to come.

I changed Eba's last name to Donn if your haven't noticed, which honestly makes much more sense then Trelewany

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I changed Eba's last name to Donn if your haven't noticed, which honestly makes much more sense then Trelewany.
Also the reason that I chose a book about food related charms out of literally any topic is because Helga was known for being good at charms but more specifically food related charms. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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