Chapter 9

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"How far are you from here" asked Kevin nervously. "Oh Kevin at least 15 hours and the traffic. "Well then what are we going to do aunt Carla". "If that phone works you should call the police and maybe they'll do some.... "Hello, hello aunt Carla are you there. "The phone died. Dang. Now what are we going to do". "Kevin, let's go this way. Kevin, Kevin, whatever. "I have an idea Mark. Mark where did you go. Oh great where did he go". Kevin walked around for n hour. Then sat down because he got tired. Another hour went by and still no sign of Mark. Kevin started getting nervous. Little Mark can't stay out there for ever by himself. He doesn't know how to find food, make shelter, start a fire. The more Kevin thought the more he got nervous. Then around 6:30 Kevin got up and called Marks name because it was starting to get dark.
Mark was getting Thirsty and couldn't find water anywhere. He was starting to have second thought on leaving Kevin's side, because Kevin did Boy Scouts. He knows how to start fires find fresh water and finding food. Then Marks here his name being called "Mark, Mark, Mark". "Kevin, where are you" Mark said exhaustedly. "Over here" Kevin screamed. Mark ran as fast as he could. Probably the fastest he's ever ran in his life. When he got to Kevin he hugged as hard as he could. "Kevin I'm scared, I don't know what to do" he said nervously. We'll figure this out, don't worry" Kevin said proudly as he could.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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