Chapter 5

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"Omigosh the plane is falling and I don't get to spend the last few moments with my dad. I don't think Kevin even knows what's going on, because he's still jamming out with his rock music". I'm gonna go in the bathroom to see if there's a secret hatch or anything that made dad disappear because I know I was talking to him. I walk in there when now one is looking. I trash the place but still nothing. No sign of dad or anything that could have made him disappear. Then I finally walk out of there crying. Wondering and hoping dad is still alive. Then I walk out to where mom and Kevin were." Any sign of him Mark". "No" I say. Trying my best not to cry, but then I just burst into tears. Crying all over mom and Kevin. Kevin gets up. I think he's going to punch me or kick me, but no I'm wrong. He hugs me. For the first time in my life I didn't care. I hugged him back. Then something unexpectedly happened. The wing of the plane falls off.

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