Chapter 7

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"Kevin" yelled Mark. "What do you want, were about to die" Kevin screamed over the wind flying through the plane. " I know this is the end, but tell mom we're going to jump out of the back the plane! "WHAT Mark are you crazy. We'll have a better chance of living if we just stay here". "Kevin come on we have to do this if we don't do this then we're all going to die. Now let's go". Kevin looks at his mom. "Well are we going to do this". Mom shakes her head yes. "Ok I guess we're going to do this Mark". "Mom grabs the blanket. "We have to hurry if we don't jump soon we're all going to die" yelled Mark. On the count of 3 READY... 1,2,3". We all jump,but unfortunately mom's blanket got caught and teared the blanket and hit the ground hard. Me and Kevin ran over there. "Kevin please tell me mom's alive". "I'll look but stay strong no matter what" Kevin said seriously. He feels moms neck there's no pulse. He doesn't tell me yet. "Well is mom alive" I say scared. "No I'm afraid mom is dead".

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