Chapter 8

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" I'm scared Kevin what are we going to do". "Oh don't be such a sissy". Even though I knew he was really scared, because he was sweating bullets, his hand wouldn't stop shaking and he started pacing. "Where the heck are we Kevin". " I don't know, but you should be great full we didn't land in the middle of the ocean". " Your right Kevin we have to think positive". "Kevin". " Yes". "Are we going to die". "What the heck did I just say Mark be POSITIVE!!! "Oh yea sorry Kevin. Are there any survivors". "I don't see anyone alive" replied Kevin sadly. "Great now what are we going to do. Kevin do you know where we are" said Mark nervously. "No I'm sorry Mark". "Kevin I have an idea. Let's go in the airplane and see if we can find any phones and call uncle Joe and aunt Carla". "Okay Kevin". They start looking, then about an hour later Mark found something. "I found a phone that works" yelled Mark. "Awesome Mark, I think you saved our life". Kevin do you remember their number" asked Mark nervously. "Yes I remember because mom made me mesmerize it just in case of emergency. 248-321-7654". Is it ringing Kevin". "Shh". "Hello" asked someone on the other line? "Uncle Joe is that you"? "Kevin my boy how are you doing"? "Bad, uncle Joe moms dead and dad has disappeared". On the other line I hear talking and crying. Then I hear someone come to the phone. "Hello" said a sad voice. "Aunt Carla is that you" Kevin said. "Yea it's me, sniff. "Aunt Carla do you need a moment". "No it's okay. What do you want". "Our dad has disappeared too. We're going to take a picture, can you tell where we are" says Kevin sternly but not mean. "CLICK". "Wow your in Atlanta Georgia".

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