Chapter 5- Ty Lee vs Bakugo

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Ty Lee POV

The entire class rounds up outside the dorm room building; me and bakugo standing separately. The air is thick with tension. Bakugos quirk is explosion, I know that much, but not enough to anticipate his moves. Same goes with him for me; he has no idea what I'm capable of.

My intentions are only to respond the Bakugos urge to fight me, and maybe just show the class what chi-blocking actually is. I'm not going out of my way to hurt Bakugo.

Ty Lee: Before we start, I want there to be no hard feelings between us!

The class moves back even further; I don't know what they're scared of. They're heroes aren't they? Ochaco is biting her nails in worry. I look back at them for a split second.
That was a mistake.

Before I even know what's going on the word "DIE!!!!!!" is shrieked from behind me and I see a Bakugo launching himself towards me. I backflip out of the way and he stops And turns to me. He pulls out his palm and it crackles. I jump out of the way and run around him in circles while his Palm tries to keep up with me for aim. I jump onto the side of the building and spring up above Bakugo so I can sneak attack from the air then chi-block him. I do a couple of flips in the air to build up momentum and by now ive got a clear target on him.That doesn't go as planned however, as he places his hand above him and creates a large explosion that knocks me out of my momentum and flying towards the ground. I land on the cold hard ground in a lot of pain.Bakugo smirks and evil smirk as he walks towards my beaten up body as he goes towards me for the finishing blow. He's strong, but I'm stronger.
He is so distracted by him thinking he has won, that I grab his arm and hit the pressure points making his arm go limp.I slide from under his legs to behind him in an attempt to chi-block him but his reactions are too quick and he once again blows me onto the ground using his non-paralysed arm.
I get up though, and figure out a plan. Im going to spring from lamp post to lamp post in front of him to confuse him before as fast as I can going to one behind him then springing to his back.

I take my stance and give him a small smile before jumping from surrounding lampposts in front of him. He uses his spare arm to blast the lampposts but I never get caught in his blows. In a final effort, I change course and spring to one behind him; I use that as momentum to jump in behind him and paralyse his back. The plan works.

Bakugo falls face first onto the ground

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Bakugo falls face first onto the ground. There's a few seconds of shock before he screams and screams and SCREAMS. All I can hear is "IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU" " I CANT WAIT TO KILL YOU" but I shrug it off. He's just a little angry I guess.
I walk over to the class which are standing there in awe. Ochaco runs up and hugs me tightly, i grunt a little bit because of the pain but is still grateful for the kind gesture.

Ochaco: Oh Ty Lee are you hurt? We have to get you to recovery girl!

To my right I see mr Aizawa, Midnight and Present Mic running towards the scene.
Frick. I forgot about teachers. But how did they know? I look back at the class and see Iida gone. Hmph guess that's how.


she was very angry.

Ty Lee: Oh me and Bakugo got in a little bit of a fight but no hard feelings!

I say happily

Midnight gasps as she sees a Bakugo lying face first on the floor. Mr Aizawa comes to his aid puts Bakugos arm on his shoulder in an attempt to carry him away.

Mr Aizawa: Bakugo doesn't seem to be in anyway injured, just paralysed. Knowing Ty Lee's abilities, he should be freely to move in around 15 minutes.

Midnight and the class breathe a sigh of relief before returning to their dorms. I try to follow, but my arm is grabbed by a midnight.

Midnight: No not you. Your coming with us after a trip to recovery girl.

Time skip brought to you by how snapped ty lee looked in her kyoshi warrior outfit

Recovery girl was angry but nice about it though. After healing me, she told me to never use my abilities outside of hero work. I nod before leaving and being escorted by Midnight to Principal Nezus office.
I walk inside to see two empty chairs, a disappointed nezu, Mr Aizawa and of course, Bakugo. I sit on one of the empty chairs and so does Midnight.

Nezu: First I would like you both to know that fighting is never tolerated here at UA. We are aware that some dont get along, but there's no excuse for violence among the students if not instructed to do so by the teachers. With that said, Ty Lee please explain what happened before i ask Mr Bakugo.

Ty Lee: Well me and Bakugo just fought! That's about it. I never went out of my way to hurt Bakugo. Only to paralyse him when it came to it. I managed to only paralyse him in places were the effects would wear off quickly. I am very sorry that I participated in this fight and it won't happen again.

I say with regret it my voice. I bow my head in apology, then I look up to see Nezu looking at me forgivingly.

Nezu: Ty Lee your apology is accepted if you promise to never use your abilities to harm any of your classmates ever again without permission.

Ty Lee: I promise!

Nezu: Good. Now Bakugo, tell us all your side of the story.

Bakugo just grunts and says

Bakugo: It's just what Ty Lee said.

Nezu, Midnight and Mr Aizawa look at us as if we're missing something.

Nezu: Well in order to figure out a suitable punishment, we need to know who did it.

Me and Bakugo both know it was him that initiated the fight. But something inside me doesn't want to rant him out. I keep quiet.

Mr Aizawa: My money is on Ty Lee. She's hasn't shown her strength to her fellow classmates yet so she probably picked a fight to show it.

Nezu: That's definitely an idea, Eraser Head, but first let's here what the two culprits have to say.

I'm new here. I don't want to be the reason that Bakugo gets in trouble. I don't even have parents. Things will be a lot easier for him if I take the blame.

Ty Lee: It was m-

Bakugo: It was me. I was the one who wanted to fight Ty Lee in the first place. I'm sorry.

Me, Nezu, Midnight and Mr Aizawa look at Bakugo like a whole new person. Was Bakugo being... nice? Nah I feel like nice is an overstatement. More like... humane. BUT STILL,HUMANE FOR BAKUGO IS PROGRESS.
There's a small silence before The principal chirps up.

Nezu: Great now that that's sorted, 1 week of detention and school service (like community service but in the school lmao) for Ty Lee, 2 weeks for Bakugo.

Both of us nod in agreement looking at the ground.

Nezu: And both of you have to do dishes every night.

Bakugo and Ty Lee: WHAT?!

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