xv, block party

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The young lovesick traveller trudged behind the majority of the group, her hands shoved into her pockets

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The young lovesick traveller trudged behind the majority of the group, her hands shoved into her pockets. Sulking, her bottom lip pulled between her teeth. It was a shame really, for such a pretty face to be looking so down. That's what Jorge had commented as the girl hung back to kick the sand with her boots. The journey was long, taxing on the laboured teens.

She must have been losing her mind, right? Because, that couldn't be who she thought it was? The head of brown, shaggy hair with a smaller figure beside him. Her eyebrows furrowed, Melanie's head craning back as she caught the familiar pair being escorted into what looked like a party or a rave. The pair disappeared from sight, as a concrete thought cemented itself in her mind.


Her footsteps halted, her heart thumping against her chest. It was erratic, almost painful. Her eyes focused on the building Thomas had entered. Women and men stumbled with red solo cups, the liquid spilling all over them. In reality, everyone was too drunk or high to know what happening in front of their own two eyes.

She hesitantly stepped closer, her heart rate spiking.Was it her mind playing tricks on her? Had she finally passed the line from quirky and distant to full-blown insane? Was this the start of her end? But she swore she had seen him. Or did her heatstroke-affected brain just fabricate his presence, almost like a mirage?

"Hermana", Jorge called out, his hand on her shoulder making her jump. "We have to keep moving", he pressed, stepping away and assuming she would follow. Melanie nodded, agreeing with him and yet, her body stayed still. Her boots were glued to the ground, her body was frozen despite the sweltering temperatures. Honestly, she couldn't seem to leave.

"Melanie?", Luna placed her hand on her arm. The blonde frowned in concern as Melanie's eyes were wide. Her hand lightly touched her sister's forehead, gasping at the cold chill radiating off her sister. "You're freezing, Ellie. You look like you've seen a ghost, sweetheart", she fretted, her hands holding her sister's shoulders.

"I-I think I'm going crazy. Like full-blown, pulling my hair out and stabbing people, crazy", Melanie mumbled, her voice sounding so unlike herself. ".. but I think- no, no.. I swear I saw Thomas and Brenda." However, the only ones who looked to legitimately believe her were Aris, who would always have her back, and surprisingly, Jorge. The tanned man hummed, stepping closer to the girl. But before he could approach her, it seemed her twin had bet her to it.

Daniel rolled his eyes, his hand harshly clasping around her wrist. "You're not clever, Melanie. It wasn't Thomas and you know it. So quit it, before you get us killed", he seethed, spit flying from his mouth. It wasn't the first time he had shown this behaviour, but it was the most volatile time. He tried to drag her away but Melanie planted her feet, not allowing him to pull her away. Daniel scoffed, grabbing her waist to pull her back.

Instinct kicked in. Her actions were quick. She latched onto his jacket. She twisted out of his grip, elbowing him harshly in the process. Her brother doubled over, eyes screwed shut. Whatever was happening with Daniel and his attitude toward his twin sister, it didn't sit right with Melanie.

The girl diverted her eyes away from him, turning her head toward the rest. "You might not believe me, but it looked like Thomas and Brenda. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But would it not be better if we knew they weren't in there?", she blurted out.

The ex-maze inhabitants were stunned into a silence while Aris laughed. Luna joined him softly. While Jorge seemed to be in full agreement with the teen. The older man clapped. "I agree. Let's not waste an opportunity, right? Nice spot, hermana."

Jorge led the group, moving toward the party entrance. Grumbles of incoherent complaining were quickly silenced at the older man's questioning brow. Everyone moved forward, hoping to get inside before being stopped at the door. "Hold on, sweetheart", a man at the door declared, his grubby hand landing on Melanie's shoulder. Newt pulled the girl back behind him and Minho, the latter glared daggers at the man. "Let us through, we need to find our friends", Minho told them, tone firm.

"There's a fee to enter, mate. A drink from this", the man jeered, pulling out a small bottle of alcohol from his pocket. He shoved it in the teens' direction. Melanie felt herself grimace at the strong smell coming from the bottle. Jorge's eyebrows raised at the sight of someone amongst the crowd. "Marcus", Jorge greeted darkly from the back of the group. That man's face dropped, yellowish skin turning pale.

Jorge nonchalantly approached the man, pulling out his pistol and ordering Marcus to move. Marcus just sighed dramatically. "Jorge, let's be civil. Drop the weapon and come party, old friend", he told him, drunkenly smiling.

Jorge shot Melanie a look, nodding toward the door. She nodded in return, beginning to push her way through. "Listen here, pumpkin...", Marcus warned, using yet another nickname for the teen, placing his hand on her arm.

Jorge cocked his gun, holding it dangerously close to Marcus' face. "I wouldn't touch her, hermano", he dryly put. Marcus' face paled, yet  his cocky demeanour still shined. Ignoring his comments, Melanie pushed through the various party-goers. Her eyes widened at the view of Thomas before her, his eyes meet her own before his body hit the floor.

Her strides break out into a run, sliding on her knees to reach the boy. "Jorge!, she shouted, watching as he ran in, the gun pressed against Marcus' back. "Alright party's over", his voice bellowed before firing two warning shots into the ceiling. The cranks cleared out, leaving in a loud, drunk mob. A flash of relief filled Melanie as Thomas' chest rose and fell steadily.

"Someone supposed to be a genius, you are very predictable, Mel", a voice called from the corner of the room. The male voice brought a flood of nostalgia to the girl, her hands pulling out her pistol. Without hesitation, she pointed it at the all-familiar intruder.

Her own WICKED guard of a brother, Julian stood in front of her, his blonde hair sweaty, his cotton shirt open at the top, showing of his scarred torso. He has a black eye, but looks otherwise unharmed. He rolled his eyes at the deadly weapon directed at his chest.

"Seriously? Come on, Melly. You won't shoot me", her brother mocked, chuckling.

"Maybe she won't, but I will, so tell us your business, hermano", Jorge retorted, just having finished tying up Marcus to a chair.

Reluctantly, Julian held up his hands. His eyes rolled dramatically. Luna moved to stand between the group and their brother. "He's okay. He's with me", her sister assures ex the group, holding her hands up.

Julian nodded, looking at us expectantly with a smirk of her face. Jorge sighed, clearly trusting Luna's judgement and lowered his gun. Sighing, Melanie does the same. Julian smiles, earning himself a middle finger from his sister.

Afterwards, the large group split into four. The ex-wicked subjects, Jorge and Marcus, who is being tortured for information, then the weird-ass family reunion with Julian and Luna, and Brenda and Thomas being taken care of by Teresa.

An eerie silence hung in the air. The only sound was Jorge's fists hitting Marcus, as he tried to get information about the Right Arm and their whereabouts. Blood spouted from the man's mouth and nose like a waterfall.

Something left a pit in Melanie's stomach. From the corner of her eye, she could vividly m see Teresa brush her fingers through Thomas' hair. Brenda, recovered from the liquid that knocked her out, sat up, her eyes puffy. She glared at Teresa, the raven-haired girl not noticing. Her doe-like eyes move on to Melanie and her gaze hardens further. She rolled her eyes, standing up and sitting in a corner. Melanie knew she must of done something to piss the girl off. She wasn't sure what but it has to have something to do with the hazel-eyed boy, being cared for by a third girl.

the end of beginning, thomasWhere stories live. Discover now