Note from the author

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Dear Reader,

Hi there! Thank you for checking out my book - it means a lot to me!

The inspiration for this story is pretty simple: I love bts, I love zombie stuff, I really loved when bts encountered zombies, and I love writing. Why not combine them? I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. For anyone who is apprehensive about reading a book with zombies in it, I promise it will not get too gory. I always appreciate zombie stuff that is more suspenseful than it is gory, so that is what I will be aiming for. And of course there will be some fluff, some romance, and almost certainly some pretty funny moments, as we see the boys try and survive a zombie apocalypse.

Questions and comments are absolutely welcome - if something does not make sense, please feel free to ask! Sometimes stuff makes sense in my head but does not read as I intended it.

If you like it, please remember to vote! I am just starting out writing on Wattpad, so any votes would be super encouraging!

That's all for now. Enjoy!

- m.

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