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Your voice is barely a whisper, floating through the air as your vision becomes blurry, eyes fluttering shut.

"Good answer, little girl." You can practically hear the smirk in Kang's voice as he releases his hand from around your throat. You drop, thudding painfully to the concrete. Gasping and coughing, you clutch your throat, sucking in as much air as your lungs can take.

The man holding Jungkook down lifts his foot, releasing him. He quickly crawls over to you, cupping your face in his hands.

"Y/n! Open your eyes, y/n, look at me!" Jungkook's face swims into view as your vision gradually returns. His eyes are panicked as they search your face, holding you gently. Somewhere nearby, you can hear Kang's voice.

"Tsk tsk, normally I would require an apology for such an outburst, but, luckily for you, I'm in a good mood today. My name is Kang Dong Won, but you're correct, everyone refers to me as Boss Kang. And you two are?" His voice is pleasant, almost sounding amused. As though he hadn't been holding you in the air by your neck mere moments ago. If you didn't know any better, you'd say he was a friendly, if not charming, person.

There's a beat of silence as Jungkook doesn't respond, his focus completely on you. Kang's charming persona vanishes instantaneously, replaced by a much darker, infinitely more dangerous one. "Do not take advantage of my good mood. I do not appreciate being ignored." His words are steel, edged with a very clear warning.

"My name is Jungkook. This is y/n." Jungkook responds through gritted teeth, clearly exerting every ounce of self-control he possesses. His worried eyes remain locked on your face, not sparing Kang so much as a glance.

"There now, was that so hard?" Kang purrs before turning his attention to the man who had just been holding Jungkook down. "The others?"

Jungkook's hands freeze at the mention of the boys, brows furrowed in concentration as he waits for a response from the man behind him. The man pauses, clearly apprehensive as he shifts his weight back and forth.

"The others...they, um...they got away, sir." There's a noticeable quiver in the man's voice.

The relief that floods your veins at the news of the boys escape is short-lived.

Kang sighs heavily, as though he had a terrible burden to bear. He reaches over to Mi Young, wordlessly taking something from her outstretched hand. Your breath catches in your throat as you recognize the deadly object now aimed directly at the man behind Jungkook.

Before the man can react, a crack splits the air. The next second, he's lying motionless on the pavement, blood pooling around him. Kang sighs again, handing the gun back to Mi Young.

"It's so hard to find adequate help these days, don't you think?" He asks, looking directly at Mi Young as he does so.

"It is, sir." She responds calmly, face betraying no emotion. Your body trembles uncontrollably as your eyes stay locked on the fallen man, watching the blood seep slowly, staining the concrete. Your breath comes in short bursts as the panic in your chest rises.

He killed one of his own men like it was nothing. This man...he's pure evil.

You're brought out of your thoughts by Jungkook, tilting your face so that your eyes meet his. He takes a few slow, steady breaths, indicating with his eyes for you to do the same. You follow his lead, breath gradually slowing.

Kang returns his attention to you and Jungkook, glancing down to where you still lay. He moves, taking deliberate steps, circling like a shark.

"Hmmm...I like the fight in these two." He stops, seeming to make up his mind. He snaps his fingers at a few men nearby. "Bring them. If they try to run, shoot."

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