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All at once, the world is turned upside down.

Bits of metal fencing and other debris flies from the spot where the grenade landed. Smoke billows, engulfing Jungkook and the men surrounding him, effectively obscuring him from view. You're rooted to the spot, horror and disbelief crashing through you.


This can't be happening.


...he can't be...

One of the men standing nearby lunges for you, forcing you to unfreeze. Scrambling back, just barely escaping his reaching fingers, you turn and race back the way you came in. The further you get from the spot where Jungkook last stood, the more you feel your heart breaking apart. Every fiber of your being screams for you to go back, to run to him, that you can't leave him behind.

But your heart knows what your mind can't accept.

Knows that he's gone.

This isn't real.

This can't be happening.

I should have listened before. If I had, he wouldn't be...

He can't be.

He can't.

It's sheer chaos in the warehouse. Kang's men stumble around in the swirling smoke, trying to assess the damage. They're all mercifully too distracted to notice you slip through the bustle and make it to the entrance.

That's when the screaming starts.

Jungkook's plan worked - the grenade blew the fence apart, releasing the monsters being held back. Your senses are completely overtaken by the sounds of gunfire and men being ripped apart. You don't dare look back, instead just running as fast as your feet will carry you, through the entrance and out into the cold.

The sun sinks to the ground, bringing nighttime with it. By the time you reach the forest, the stars have started to shine. The moonlight bounces off the bright, white snow. It would be beautiful in any other circumstance. But all the beauty has been taken from this world. Your heart shatters over and over again as you keep moving further away from him.

Just as you break the tree line, you sneak one glance over your shoulder.

You can't help the gasp that escapes your lips.

The battle between Kang's men and the formerly caged monsters has spilled outside, where it continues to rage on. Many men race for the trees as well, drawing the attention of the creatures, who follow behind. Beast and man head straight in your direction, much too close. Fear surges through you as you realize that you didn't actually get the head start that you hoped you had. You turn your head forward again, resolving to focus all of your attention on surviving.

But your chances are slim at best. You have to do something, and fast.

You sprint through the darkness, the cold wind biting and clawing at your exposed skin.

Think, y/n, think.

Your mind frantically works, trying to find a solution.

A way out.


You hear the shrieking and growling behind you, edging closer and closer. Your muscles scream as you continue to push them harder and harder.

How long can I go on like this?

You push away the swelling wave of despair threatening to overtake you.

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