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Somewhere far away, you hear someone screaming.

You wonder vaguely if its you.

You hear the sound of Yoongi brandishing his sword, lobbing off the beast's head in one swoop. The thud as it hits the ground.

But all you see is Jungkook.

His eyes go wide, shock overtaking him. He sinks to his knees, the color drained from his face. You drop to the ground in front of him, cupping his face.

"Hey, come on now. Kook, look at me. It didn't actually bite you, right? It just got close. It's just a scratch. It's fine. You're fine. You're ok." You can feel the tears coming, unable to stop them as they spill down your cheeks. His black eyes meet yours. You expect to see fear or anger there, but you don't. His whole demeanor softens as he watches you.

"Honey." Jungkook says softly, doe eyes holding an unfathomable resignation. A resignation to a fate you are unwilling to accept.

You feel as though a cavern has opened up beneath you, threatening to swallow you whole.

You tear your eyes away from Jungkook's, looking around wildly, seeking help. "Guys, a little help? We just need to bandage the scratch. Jin, you have gauze right?"

No one moves. They're still as statues, horror beyond words etched on each face.

"Guys! Come on, help him up! Why are you all just standing there?" Still, no one moves, a few of them now looking at you with pity in their eyes. They share tear-stained looks with each other, now confronted with a reality they never thought they would have to face. One none of you had ever been prepared to face.

"Please!" You almost shout, desperate for something, anything, that will wake you up from this nightmare.

"Y/n." Jungkook forces your gaze back to him. He covers your hand with his own, intertwining your fingers.

"Jungkook, no. Don't. You're ok." You choke, trembling violently as the tears pour down relentlessly.

"It's ok, y/n. Really. You'll stay with the boys, and you'll be ok." He smiles lightly, his own tears welling up in his dark eyes.

"No, please Jungkook. I can't lose you. Not again. I just got you back. Please don't go." You sob, throwing your arms around him, clutching him tightly, praying that somehow, your arms around him will fix the irreparable damage that's been done.

He hugs you back, stroking your hair softly.

"I love you forever, y/n. Don't ever forget it." He releases you, tears spilling over and cascading down his cheeks as he smiles at you one last time. He stands, stepping away from you even as you try to cling to him. Taehyung steps forward, kneeling down. He gently wraps his arms around you, pulling you to your feet. You stumble, falling into him, all the strength leaving your body.

This can't be happening. It's just a bad dream. It can't end like this. Not like this.

Jungkook looks to his hyungs, that haunting resignation never leaving his eyes. "Thank you for being the best friends anyone could ever hope for." The words stick in his throat. He shakes his head and takes a deep breath.

Before anyone can stop him, he pulls out his gun, placing it beneath his chin. "I won't become one of them."

A beat of silence, bursting at the seams with a previously unimaginable sorrow.

"I love you all, so much."

You look away, hiding your face in Taehyung's shoulder.

Sobs wracking your entire body.

Hear the sound of the gun cocking.

Squeeze your eyes shut.

Your heart ripping in two.

This isn't real.




"Jungkook, wait!"

Namjoon's voice rings out, a flicker of light in the gaping darkness.

Your eyes fly open.

Jungkook stands stock still, dark, wary eyes fixed on Namjoon, gun still held at the ready.

"Put it down, now. You really are fine." Namjoon's voice is breathless, an idea clearly taking root and growing, entire face lighting up.

"Hyung, please.." Jungkook starts, but Namjoon steps forward, hands raised, pleading.

"No no, listen to me. We've counted the time it takes for people to turn, right?"

"Yes...So?" Jungkook says slowly, brows furrowing.

A small, unsure spark flickers to life in your chest, whispering hope to you.

"It's usually 15 seconds, and it has never taken more than a minute."

The air is almost explosive as the realization sinks in.

"Kook, its been well over a minute." Namjoon says, now unable to contain his joy, practically dancing as he approaches Jungkook.

"But Hyung, I was bitten...maybe its just taking longer for some reason." Jungkook's voice is laced with doubt, not daring to hope. He takes a few steps back from Namjoon.

"Or maybe...you're immune. Somehow, someway, you're immune from the virus." Namjoon closes the remaining distance, hand wrapping around the gun and lowering it.

Jungkook simply stares at him, not fully processing what he's saying. Namjoon places his hands on his shoulders, shaking him slightly. The tears still stream, but not the same as before. This time, it's joy that spills over.

"Jungkook! Do you understand?"

The ebony-haired man who has your whole heart smiles slowly, still not fully daring to believe it.

"You're immune!"

I know its not Saturday and this is an incredibly short update, but I just felt way too cruel leaving you all hanging like that. Don't worry, I would never turn Jungkook into a zombie. Thank you all for the comments - it makes me so happy that you all are reading and enjoying the book. Please don't forget to vote! 💜
- m.

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