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Your mind races, searching desperately for a solution.

Looking around for your knife, your heart sinks when you realize that you dropped it when Kang hit you with the hilt of his gun. It now resides under the boot of the man you cut with it, who glares at you so fiercely that it takes all your willpower not to cower behind the nearest tree. You have nothing to defend yourself, nothing to fight Kang with.

There's no way for you to warn Jungkook, who no doubt is already following the blood trail you inadvertently left behind.

Kang laughs, as though he can see these thoughts tumbling through your brain.

"It's no use tormenting yourself. You will not find a way out of this." He smirks, turning his attention to the man that dragged you here, still clutching his wounded arm.

"Pull her this way, so she's propped against the tree. We can't ruin the surprise by standing out in the open now, can we?"

The man kicks away the knife before stepping over to where you still huddle. He grabs you by your wounded arm, sending lightening bolts of pain shooting through you. You cry out as he drags you backward, towards the nearest tree. He shoves you roughly against the trunk before releasing your arm and disappearing into the woods behind you.

Kang kneels before you, grinning triumphantly.

"I will be right behind this tree, waiting. If you do anything to try to warn him, I will not hesitate to put a bullet in your skull. Do you understand?" His black eyes bore into yours, searching for any sign of rebellion. You nod your head once, feigning compliance, yet your mind revolts, still working desperately.

There has to be a way..I can't just sit here and wait for Jungkook to fall into the trap. I have to do something. Anything.

"Hey." Kang taps your forehead with his gun, attempting to knock out your schemes. "I mean it. Try anything, and its lights out. For you, your boyfriend, and all your little friends out there. Do not test my resolve - you will fail." With that, he stands, keeping his gun trained on you as he melts away into the shadowy forest.

You release a breath you didn't realize you had been holding in, leaning your head back on the trunk and closing your eyes. Despair clings tightly to your heart, threatening to suffocate you.

What am I going to do?? How can I warn Jungkook and the boys?

Suddenly, a lightbulb goes off in your head. It's a subtle plan, and if the boys are far away it may not work. But it was better than sitting and doing nothing.

Slowly at first, you allow your head to droop, lower and lower. You rock yourself, ever so slightly, side to side, feigning dizziness. Finally, after a few moments of appearing to try to steady yourself, you lose your balance, tumbling to the side. You land in the snow with a soft thump.

"S-something is w-wrong...Boss Kang...I t-think I've l-lost too much b-blood..." you groan softly, slurring your words as best you can. "P-please, Boss Kang...p-please help me." You call a little louder, reaching weakly for the spot where you knew he was lurking.

"Yah! Sit back up. You're fine." You hear his voice hiss from the shadows.

"Please, Boss Kang!" You nearly shout, still reaching weakly for him. Kang emerges from the trees, cursing as he crouches before you. He yanks you back up, slamming your back into the rough bark.

"Be quiet! What is wrong with you? Why are you being so loud.." he trails off, eyes narrowing suspiciously. He stands quickly, leveling his gun at your face once again.

"I told you - you try anything, and its game over." He growls, cocking his gun. The sound sends jolts shivering down your spine, but you ignore them.

"Yah, Kang. We're different, you and I. You see, I'm not a coward." His nostrils flare, a jolt of anger shooting through his eyes like lightening. He steps forward, pressing the end of the gun directly to your forehead. You continue talking anyway, ignoring the cold metal sending warning lights off in your head, screaming for you to back off.

Out of your peripheral, you notice a flash of movement. A grin breaks across your face before you can stop it.

"I will gladly sacrifice my life if it means they can live. We're a family, and we would do anything to protect each other." Your voice is steady and strong despite the threat of death looming directly in front of you, the words flowing out of you calmly.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." A familiar voice chimes in. Kang whips around, taken off guard by the sudden appearance of a certain black-haired man.

Jungkook stands a few paces to your right, his own rifle aimed directly at Kang. He glances at you, quickly assessing. He flashes a small, reassuring smile, so fast you almost miss it. Moments later, he is joined by Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok, who all brandish their knives. Yoongi also steps forward, idly twirling his sword.

Kang quickly composes himself, turning his gun back on you and smirking at the newcomers.

"Well, it seems y/n has successfully foiled my little surprise. No matter - I suppose its more interesting this way, wouldn't you agree?" His words are like silk, but you don't miss the hint of rage roiling below the surface.

"Oh yes, we're having loads of fun. We just love being relentlessly hunted by a madman who sets zombies loose on us and steals our friend. Don't we, boys?" Yoongi drawls, eyes narrowing in disdain. Kang bares his teeth, clearly displeased by Yoongi's sarcasm.

"My my, the lack of manners is truly appalling." He tuts, dark eyes scanning the boys standing in front of him. He seems to realize something, cocking his head slightly in seemingly-genuine curiosity. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there were more of you before. Are they waiting in the trees, ready to pounce? Or did a worse fate befall them?"

Your heart thunders, the very same question tumbling around in your mind.

Where are the others? Did everyone make it?

"One of us was shot. But you knew that already, didn't you? Your little cronie gunned him down in cold blood." Jungkook spits, showing no pretense of any kind of patience for Kang's games.

"Oh dear, yes that was an unfortunate necessity." Kang clucks his tongue, as though he were actually saddened by what happened to Minho.

"An unfortunate necessity?? You really are insane." Jungkook scoffs, disbelief at Kang's callousness etched all over his face.

"Come now, I think name calling is beneath you. You don't want me to lose my temper, do you?" Kang wiggles the gun still aimed at your head, as though Jungkook may have forgotten exactly what is at stake.

"Let her go. This is between me and you. Leave her out of it." Jungkook says through gritted teeth, tightening his grip on his rifle.

"But here's the problem. As soon as I take my weapon off her, you and your little friends shoot me. So why would I lower my weapon?"

Jungkook considers this for a moment. He sizes Kang up, then suddenly tosses his rifle to the ground, catching you off guard.

"Kook! What are you-" you start, but Jungkook quickly stops you.

"Don't worry, y/n. I can take him." He turns his attention back to Kang, a clear taunt in his eyes. "You're such a big man, huh? Then why don't you come here and fight. No guns, no cronies, no hostages." Jungkook takes a few steps forward, away from his discarded rifle, away from the safety of the boys around him. He spreads his arms wide in invitation, a daring smile spreading across his face.

"Come on, what do you say? Just you and me."

He takes one more step.

"If you think you can beat me."

Happy Saturday everyone! So sorry to have disappeared for a bit. Life has been crazy and I feel like I haven't even had time to breathe, let alone write. I apologize for keeping you all waiting. Thank you for your continued support and patience🙏
Don't forget to vote! 💜
- m.

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