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Jikook physical visuals in the story^

If there's anything that those high school teachers had right about the scares of college it's the fact that you instantly have work to do, or plan ahead for later on in the week.

On the bright side, if there's anything Jungkook has grown grateful for during his time planning ahead for his class is for letting Jimin's dedication to his studies rub off on him. Such as doing the work when he gets it so he won't have to stress later on about it.

That's exactly what Jungkook is doing now actually, in his cozy apartment with a laptop on his lap and round glasses pressed against the bridge of his nose, writing a page paper as to why he likes music and wants to pursue it for his classes, that's due by the end of the week.

It wasn't so difficult really, if anything this was pretty easy and Jungkook almost done with it after working on it for an hour.

But just as he was about to finish up his last sentence, his phone buzzes beside him.

Quickly his eyes flickered over to notice an unknown number on the screen, just as he finished writing what he needed to.

Hey! It's Taemin from your music theory class :)

Jungkook blinked for a moment to process but then breaks a smile to the memory.

Oh right, the nerdy kid he gave his number too.

Today for Jungkook's first day he actually made a friend for once, by accident. The kid confused him for his friend from behind, so he body slammed into him in a hug. But since Jungkook didn't nudge a muscle, the kid fell back with horror to the fact that he slammed onto a total stranger.

Anyways after the said person apologized over a thousand times and Jungkook brushing it off with a friendly smile, they introduced themselves to each other as they went ahead to the same class.

Eh, there's not much to say about this new friend- if he could even consider him as a friend. It's hard really to tell anything about him physically because of his mess of blonde hair acting as curtains to his face to cover nearly everything with his golden rim glasses, that just makes his eyes look extremely huge.

Maybe he stutters a little when he speaks, but Jungkook was able to understand him well since once upon a time Namjoon also would stutter his words while growing up.

In some way, Taemin reminded Jungkook of Jimin from when they first met in high school. They would most likely get along well if introduced to each other, but maybe that'll be for a later time after Jungkook gets to know him better.

So Jungkook responds back to the message, just as the front door clicked open. The ravenette sends the message just at the same time and puts his phone down, looking up for his smile to widen even more as an exhausted Jimin sluggishly drags himself inside the apartment while closing the door shut behind him.

No doubt he looks completely drained out from today.

Off topic for a moment, Jimin has actually changed a lot throughout this summer. His skin is kissed with a tan from the sun when they went out to travel around the globe with their friends. His once plain straight hair is now usually in waves or just styled nicely by the front. He's thin but his muscles are more toned, still easy to just fling him around anywhere with a single finger.

At least that's how Jungkook likes to think about it.

He hasn't changed though, he's still very kind and loyal to his faith. They're definitely much more healthily domestic since their therapy sessions has been working well, working through any trauma or negative thoughts together with their counselor. They're seeing Dr. Seojoon less frequently than usual, but he will always be available whenever they need it of course.

As for their relationship? Well.....

"Can I drop out of college?"

Jungkook chuckles as his boyfriend drops his bag to the ground, lazily walking towards him before taking Jungkook's laptop to rest it on the coffee table and sits down to straddle his lap with his face burying his neck.

Yeah, their relationship hasn't changed a single bit, if anything it's always stronger than how it previously was.

So that's why Jungkook wraps his arms around his waist, hugging him tightly and presses a peck to his head, "Don't like your classes?"

"No, I do," Jimin sighs and slowly pulls away, meeting Jungkook gentle gaze, "Just a little anxious with.... The future again."

Slowly Jungkook nods, understand what he means by that. For four years Jimin has been bullied in high school, going through a living hell day by day with his negative thoughts and being horribly manipulated by his parents- literally not being given a single moment to breathe or even live without anxiety.

Now this is a new start for him, for both of them. He's going to meet new people, be adjusting to a new environment, no longer being imprisoned by his mind or people to hold him back from finally living his life.

However, of course he's going to be hesitant as to what may come for the next four years, if it's going to be the same rotation all over again or different.

He has every right to be scared.

So that's why Jungkook hugs him closer, leaning so their foreheads are pressed together, "It's okay to be scared angel, but you're not alone, okay? You're going to learn so much on how to grow and watch out for negative signs. Look forward to how you're going to develop as a person rather than how the world may affect you in a negative way, yeah?"

Those were clearly Jimin needed to hear because he twitches a smile, nodding back slowly before slowly pressed a soft peck against Jungkook's lips, "Thanks lovely, needed that little boost of motivation," He murmurs quietly, pulling back with a more relaxed composure, "Oh and did you get Taehyung's message? He wanted to get together as a celebration to the start off the semester."

Well this was another reason as to why Jungkook wanted to get his work done and over with because he didn't want to think about having things to do when he comes back from their get together, knowing himself that he may get a little messed up with alcohol. They're planning on going to Taehyung's dorm, that he has a single one to himself, at a university a few minutes away. Him and Hoseok are unfortunately going to different schools but they're definitely trying to make it work somehow. So this get together would definitely be good for everyone to send positive vibes staring the year.

And hopefully not get caught by the RA's.

Things are definitely different from high school, from being separated and seeing so many uncommon faces around the building of the university walls. It's pretty relieving having people not know who one is or their background, at least that's what Jungkook found relieving.

And he only hopes that Jimin will be able to feel that same comfort too so he can find his true colors of who he is, without giving a shit to what people think about him anymore.


I'm very very very very excited for this story.

What I have planned is definitely going to be pretty interesting, maybe a little new, but it's going to be pretty..... Different from Broken Dollies, since we're going to see new sides of this relationship as well.

Let's see what happens!

I may do a character Q&A later on in a few chapters, one for the beginning and then the middle and then a last one to the end of the story.

Definitely to see the difference to how the characters have changed in any way.


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