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"No fucking way! That's so hilarious!"

Jimin grimaces to suppress a grin, trying so hard not to fall for Seokjin's contagious laughter as he sits to the opposite side of him on the table. It's been an hour since Jimin has finished his classes and he decided to stay to have lunch here at the university.

Lucky him, Seokjin -who also goes to the same school- just got out recently and they planned to meet up and hang out for a bit.

This first week has been tough. Jimin already had papers to plan for and other assignments to do, but he'll get to that soon enough since thankfully the professors gives him a syllabus so he can track if his schedule.

It's finally Friday and all Jimin wants to do is go home and snuggle up to his boyfriend, who he hasn't really spent a lot of time with lately.

Yeah, they live in the same apartment but due to their work they have been engrossed into it rather than give each other too much attention. It's not like it's a big deal either way, they know they have things to do, the rest can come at it's own time.

Anyways, back to the now, Jimin accidentally mentioned Jungkook's little vomit marathon that happened after the drinking fest at Taehyung's dorm.

And Seokjin definitely didn't hide how hilarious he found it to be.

"I'm s-sorry I can j-just imagine-" Seokjin laughs louder, now boosting Jimin's need to not laugh because of how contagious his laughter is, "He went too far, we can all admit to that."

Yeah he did.... Pretty bad.

The next day Jungkook couldn't even roll out of bed, not after Jimin brought him medicine and water with ice. He was in a grumpy mood all day and unfortunately Jimin was swarmed with a reading assignment to ease his feeling, but Jungkook was also distracted all day working on his own assignments with a pout.

He's better now obviously but he most likely learned from that experience his own limits.

Jimin only eats his sushi with a nod, "Yeah but at least he knows now how to manage hims-"

"Jimin! Hi!"

The familiar voice startled Jimin from his train of thought, perking his head up just as a familiar figure approaches the small table with a bright smile.

Ah Woosung, Jimin's literal life saver in this university.

Guess his expressive personality from the first day is actually him being himself rather than acting up on nerves. Ever since that day he always sits next to Jimin in class with something always to talk about- Not exactly the annoying type per say.

He somehow knows how to capture Jimin's attention with a conversation, mostly because he just seems to be interested in the same topics that Jimin is interested in, but obviously much more passionate about it. They're almost in every class together and they have hanged out yesterday to finish up an assignment, so you could say they're past the awkward phase.

It would be nice if Jungkook met him whenever he's free with classes, no doubt that they would get along well because Woosung just radiates this energy that is hard not to like. Besides, he's really adorable, what's not to like?

So of course when Jimim saw him his lips perked into a friendly smile, "Hey, finished with your classes?"

"Yup! That class is so long for no reason, feels like it's sucking my soul out of my body," He sighs heavily with a pout, suddenly averting his gaze to Seokjin, "Oh I'm sorry, was I interrupting something?"

This made Seokjin twitch a smile, "Not at all, hi I'm Seokjin."

This made Woosung's smile widen, "I'm Woosung, hi! Wow can I just say you're very beautiful? Not to sound weird or anything, I'm a little no filter type of person."

No filter is a perfect way to describe it.

Jimin couldn't stop himself from chuckling to this, patting his arm, "Filter please, he's taken."

This made Woosung's cheeks fluster even more red than it already was, face palming himself in humiliation, "I am so sorry for any disrespect at all, this is so embarrassing I wasn't trying to hit on you-"

"No no it's okay!" Seokjin laughs it off, glancing at Jimin before back to him, "Won't ever deny a compliment from an adorable person."

If Woosung's smile wasn't bright before, it's definitely radiating now, but maybe much more shyly. So to divert his giddiness aside, he turns to Jimin with a grin, "So, are you free this weekend? I got invited to this frat party and since I'm a freshman I don't really know anyone, want to come?" And he glances to Seokjin, "Oh and you can bring your boyfriend too!"

Wait what-

Oh no.....

No no.

Jimin whole face fell while Seokjin bursted into a fit of giggles, maybe even ready to pinch the oblivious man's cheeks for being so adorable.

"We're not together sweetheart," Seokjin finishes him off in his complete humiliation, "My boyfriend goes to another university."

If Woosung could stop existing right now, he would.

He looks just about ready to let the ground eat him alive, devouring him until he's not even here anymore.

It's obvious by how his smile dropped, face completely red now as he covered it with his hands in attempt to hide himself.

"Well, that's my cue to head out, I've embarrassed myself enough," He squeaks and turns around, "I'll send you the party details later!"

And he practically sprints away from the duo, perking another laugh from Seokjin as he stares off to where he ran away before looking back to Jimin

"Not surprised you made a friend like that here."

Jimin's lips gapped, "What's that suppose to mean?!"

Seokjin leans back against the chair with a grin, "Someone who's kinda similar to you? Except the whole enthusiastic part."

"But Yoongi wasn't-"

Instantly Jimin cut himself off. A heavy weight sensation filled his heart as he recalls the boy with the Snow White hair and sincere smile, remembering those moments when he guided his relationship through the hard obstacles that it faced or was a helping hand whenever they needed it.

It almost feels like Jimin was living through a dream last year, at least that's how it felt like by how.... Intense it was. Not only did he try to commit suicide and self harmed so much, he was tortured on all aspects, got stabbed, bullied in school and went to court to put his father in prison.

A shit ton of things happen.

It's strange being here now, in this new university and meeting so many different people who just doesn't know him.....

It's relieving all at once, but upsetting that neither Yoongi or Jeongguk are here in this school grounds to accompany him through this journey.

Hopefully he can see Yoongi again soon, or at least once again.

Seokjin must've sensed Jimin's mood dropping before reaching over across the table, placing a hand on his hand, "Hey, it's about moving forward, yeah? This is your chance to make new memories! Especially freshman year. That little cutie is definitely a start, yeah?"

Yeah Seokjin's right.

Now it's Jimin's chance to become someone he wants to be, and making amazing memorizes with the people he has now.

And this is only the beginning.

Hey lovelies!!!!

Sorry I took so long, I've just been thinking about the plot of this story a lot and have been thinking about making the trailer for it.

It should be fun and hopefully I can get to it soon!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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